Zimbabwe will record the largest wheat harvest of 375,000 tonnes in 2022, making the African nation of Australia a self-sufficient agricultural powerhouse.
With a wheat harvest of 375 thousand tons registered in 2022, Zimbabwe set to become a self-sufficient agricultural powerhouseA performance unique to Africa.
Harvest in 2022 13% YoY increasebreaking the record set half a century ago.
Wheat sown acreage increased by 10% and, among other things, the state won over farmers by distributing fertilizer and instituting policies to purchase crops through a public agency, the Grain Marketing Commission.
Country Wheat no longer needs to be imported to meet needssaved $300 million in import costs.
in the Current Situation with African Countries Suffering from Lack or High Cost of Wheat in Russia and UkraineZimbabwe stands out for its aggressive policies.
But while the country prides itself on being a unique example of wheat in Africa, it’s not all rosy. . Less than a quarter of crops are purchased despite government guarantees and the release of emergency funds. The maize sector, the main grain consumed domestically, has also made progress but remains insufficient to meet the needs of the country. Zimbabwe’s agricultural output is below the African average, according to some experts.
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