MADISON, Wisconsin (AP) — The Wisconsin Election Commission unanimously approved the results of a poll for the November election on Thursday, confirming that voting machines are working as intended.
Auditors examined 222,075 votes. This is the largest audit in state history and found only six errors. All of these were caused by humans. They found no signs of hacking, programming errors, or machine malfunction during the midterm.
“We don’t train to be 100 percent compliant all the time,” said Democratic Commissioner Anne Jacobs.
Five of the errors found were the result of oval folds in unmarked ballots, causing voting machines to flag ballots as overvoting. In the case of overvoting, poll workers must redo the ballot rather than overwrite the machine’s error. It is unlikely that any of the five errors found occurred, the auditors said in their report.
The sixth error identified was a green ink filled ballot where the voting machine was unable to identify one of the marked ellipses. A local clerk told auditors that the error was likely missed because the polling place was so crowded.
None of the identified errors count towards federal standards that set acceptable error rates for voting machines.
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