A spin-off of Maksim Korostyshevsky’s 2012 film Soldiers of Fortune, The CW’s The Professionals is an action-adventure series created by Michael Colliery and Jeff Most. It revolves around a billionaire futurist named Peter Swann. After a next-generation satellite explodes during deployment, Peter Swann hires Vincent Corvo, a highly capable security guard, to find out who is responsible for this significant loss. The latter’s mission is complicated by the arrival of his former lover and now Peter’s fiancé, Dr. Graciela ‘Grace’ Davila.
As Vincent and his team attempt to uncover the truth about the Rocket disaster, they stumble upon a conspiracy intent on ruining Peter’s legacy and taking over his empire. The show contains several action-packed sequences complemented by brilliant performances from a talented cast that includes Tom Welling, Brendan Fraser, Elena Anaya and Steve Mark. Plus, the interesting locations in the background of each episode make you wonder where ‘The Professional’ is filmed.If you’re one of those curious souls him, we’ve got you covered. We’ve got you covered!
professional photo shoot
‘The Professionals’ was filmed in South Africa and Ireland, specifically Johannesburg. Principal photography for the first iteration of the series reportedly began in early June 2019 and wrapped in late August of the same year. During the production of its debut season in South Africa, many cast and crew members became victims of various crimes, including mass shootings and carjackings.
In fact, Brendan Fraser’s cell phone was stolen in a dangerous and violent incident. Without further ado, let’s take a look at all the specific sites featured in the action series.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Most of the key scenes in ‘The Professional’ are filmed in and around Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest city. From the looks of it, the filming unit travels around the big city to shoot different scenes in the appropriate backgrounds for the series. Located in the Eastern Highlands region of South Africa, Johannesburg is considered the economic and financial powerhouse of the country.
A cultural hub, Johannesburg has a wide range of cultural institutions and specialist museums covering many subjects. Popular museums in the city include the Origins Center Museum, the Apartheid Museum, the Bernberg Fashion Museum, the Adler Museum of Medicine and the South African National Museum of Military History. Besides ‘The Professional’, Joburg has served as a prominent production location for several movies and TV shows such as ‘Dread’, ‘The Giver’, ‘Chappie’ and ‘The Rising Tower’.
Additional parts of “experts” are recorded throughout Ireland, an island in northwestern Europe. Located in the North Atlantic Ocean, it has geologically distinct states, making it a suitable filming location for a variety of productions. Over the years Ireland has been featured in movies and TV shows such as ‘Braveheart’, ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, ‘Normal People’ and ‘The Foundation’.
Read more: Best Action TV Shows
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