As an entrepreneur who started a salsa business based on a family recipe during the COVID-19 pandemic, I rely on a shared kitchen for my business. Without access to one, I couldn’t start it. That’s true for countless entrepreneurs. However, there is a shortage of shared food facilities nationwide. Responding to these needs is essential for the growth of new businesses, and local governments have a major role to play.
The reason shared food facilities are so important is that food-related businesses are the most accessible to aspiring entrepreneurs. The beauty of food is that it reflects culture and heritage, and everyone has a culture and heritage to bring to the table.
I never imagined I could build my own business out of the recipes I had in my mom’s kitchen, but when the pandemic ended my work, I turned to my recipe box. My family has moved from Mexico to Alaska to New Mexico over the decades. Our salsa recipes reflect all that heritage with a unique blend of related flavors.
Luckily, I live in Albuquerque and have several shared kitchens available at reasonable rates. But the waiting list to use Albuquerque’s shared kitchen can be as long as 18 months. That is the bottleneck of entrepreneurship. Small businesses create most new jobs in America, so promoting entrepreneurship is very important.
And many Americans are interested in starting their own business. 43% of American voters have considered starting a new business, according to a recent survey conducted for Right to Start, a national nonprofit that champions entrepreneurship as a civic priority. 54% of black voters and 50% of Hispanic voters said they had considered starting a business, compared with 40% of white voters who said they were entrepreneurial. overflowing with
According to a survey of the kitchen incubator industry, there were over 600 shared-use food facilities nationwide as of 2019. That may sound like a lot, but just over half of these facilities are located in urban areas, home to nearly 128 million Americans. In other words, many of the 780 US cities with populations of 50,000 or more didn’t have a single shared kitchen. Besides, 75% of the shared kitchens had less than 30 users her and 52% could only accommodate 4 he at a time.
Still, a shared kitchen as a community priority isn’t particularly expensive. His 57% of those surveyed in the industry had an operating budget less than his $100,000. They are preferred and affordable assets for most communities, especially given their potential to revitalize downtown retail districts, local economies, and tax bases. When operators of shared food establishments were asked why patrons left the facility, 42% cited moving to brick-and-mortar stores. This is a win for communities trying to fill empty stores.
So what can cities do to prioritize shared food establishments?
First, assess the landscape. Where are the nearest shared dining establishments and how many are there? What percentage of the population do you serve and what parts of your community do you serve? Is there a waiting list? If yes, how long? Is rent affordable for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Second, encourage the growth of shared food establishments. They can be either commercial (like 52% of those surveyed) or non-commercial, so there are two vibrant avenues to pursue. Non-profit establishments can be developed with charitable benefits. For-profit companies are likely to respond best to tax incentives. In either case, zoning changes may be required to facilitate facility opening in high-priority locations.
Third, promote shared food facilities as civic assets. For example, Massachusetts lists 20 shared kitchen spaces in the state and provides links to their websites and contact information. The more publicized a facility is, the better it will be known to aspiring entrepreneurs.
At a time when so many Americans are interested in starting a business and where US job growth depends on it, it’s important to prioritize shared food facilities. All communities should provide easy access to them and benefit economically from their unique culture and heritage taste.
Edgar Solis is the founder and CEO of Alma’s Salsa and an advocate for “Right to Start” in New Mexico.
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