Google Penalizes French Link Network
In 2014, Google’s Matt Cutts tweeted:
Buzzea wasn’t all that excited about being called a link network. As a result of the penalty, Buzaire officially called it quits.
For more information, see Google removes another link network, France’s Buzzea.
This was not the first link network pursued by Google.
Buzzea was just the first of several link networks that Google identified and took action in late 2014.
this day too
Facebook is testing brand-safety topic exclusions for advertisers
2021: Citing advertiser brand safety concerns, Facebook said the feature would allow marketers to choose whether to display ads alongside potentially sensitive content.
Google has stopped deduplicating the right sidebar highlight snippet
2020: URLs that appear in featured snippets in the right rail of Google Desktop results are still included in the main organic list.
Video: Lisa Barone in the early days of SEO blogging
2020: In this installment of Barry Schwartz’s vlog series, he talks with Barone about the old days of SEO and then how her career has changed over the years.
How to know when to pay for search analytics tools
2019: A search marketing expert gave us feedback on when to buy a search analytics tool, factors to consider, and how to get the most out of your purchase.
Google adds voice input and voice search results to mobile web search
2019: Google enabled mobile web voice search by adding a microphone to the Google.com search field on Android phones.
Tell Google which reports are really missing in the new Google Search Console
2018: A button in the beta version of Search Console explained why all the old reports weren’t migrated.
Merkle Q4 2017: Search ad clicks fell across Google, Bing and Yahoo, ad spend increased 23%
2018: Bing and Yahoo saw a 32% year-over-year increase in search ad spend. Google spending slowed slightly from Q3.
Adobe: Paid Search Spend Growth Slows in Q4, Mobile Continues to Eat Desktop
2016: Retail ad spend for mobile shopping ads nearly doubled year-over-year in Q4.
Search by photo: GoogleBot Band, Inside Out Post-It Art, Hangouts Pillow
2016: Latest images of what people eat, how they play, who they meet, where they talk, what toys they have, and more at the search engine company.
Matt Cutts at Google: Don’t Try to Build Links Through Article Directories
2014: That was Cutts’ answer to “should I use article directories to create links?”
Report: Google ends EU antitrust settlement (again)
2014: Two previous antitrust settlements were strongly opposed and lost by Google’s critics and competitors.
Google could be forced to pay patent trolls $1 billion
2014: Google was asked to pay $15.8 million in 2012. Plaintiffs also sought ongoing royalties, which the court granted.
People, video and news: Twitter adds new search filters
2014: There were also “Photos,” “People You Follow,” and “Near You” filters to further narrow down the results.
Seattle Seahawks Lead 33 States in Bing Super Bowl Search
2014: Bing also measured player searches, with Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning receiving 72% more searches than Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson.
Bing Rewards program now available for iOS and Android devices
2014: iOS and Android users can earn Bing Rewards credits (branded gift cards for Amazon, Xbox, Domino, and more) by performing searches on their mobile phones.
Advertiser increased PLA budget by 600% in Q4.Trend likely to continue
2013: These advertisers were rewarded with higher click-through rates and lower cost-per-click than text ads.
Research: Reviews and Images Drive Clicks on Mobile
2012: Images and reviews were very important in capturing user eye movements and clicks.
A year later, Google was also surprised by Click-to-Call’s success
2011: Google receives millions of calls each month and has been at the core of many mobile search advertising campaigns.
Get popular images with Google Mobile Image Search
2010: When you visit Google Images on your phone, you’ll see “Popular Images” and links to browse more popular images.
Yelp ratings appear in Google AdWords
2010: Google confirmed that it is “testing the ability of text ads on Google search results pages to include star ratings and links to third-party sites that have reviewed the advertiser’s business.”
Microsoft revenue beats expectations, online services lose money, Bing and iPhone details
2010: Online advertising and online services, which housed Bing, reported revenue of $581 million, compared with $609 million in the year-ago quarter.
Goojje, a copycat of Google China
2010: This is a basic search engine using the Google name and the Google logo.
Testing the new Google AdWords interface
2009: The new interface resembled the charting system used by Google Analytics.
Google Toolbar for Firefox now has Chrome-like ‘Most Visited Sites’ tab
2009: When I opened a new blank tab in Firefox, it listed the sites I visited most often.
YouTube Searcher: It’s All About Music
2009: A Hitwise study found that since December 2008, 72% of the site’s top 50 search terms were music-related.
Live search “Auto Suggest” add-on for Firefox released
2009: You can manually add it to Firefox’s search box using the Live Search add-on.
Google TV Ads Shows How DVR Affects Ads
2009: Google’s TV advertising team has announced the addition of a new metric that details time-shifted ad views.
Martin Schaedel (Lazerzubb) dies in plane crash
2009: Widely known for his online handle lazerzubb, he was a regular at various events.
Google Street View Car Kills Bambi, Deletes Photo Afterwards
2009: Google said the image was removed following multiple requests from users using the Street View image removal option.
The Reality of Google’s Position 6 Penalty (or Bug)
2008: Google’s Matt Cutts confirmed this behavior and said Google has already started reversing it.
Microsoft adCenter Powers Advertising with The Wall Street Journal’s Digital Network
2008: This was a big deal for Microsoft, and the company’s advertising program was exposed to 20 million unique users and over 330 million page views per month.
Byzantine legal battle for control of Ask.com parent company IAC
2008: It was an “open war” between IAC CEO Barry Diller and one of IAC’s biggest backers and investors, Liberty Media.
google murder again
2008: A British woman has been convicted of trying to kill her husband after she Googled how to do it.
Google’s Brin Calls China’s Censorship ‘Net Negative’
2007: Brin argued that some information is better than no information.
Google TV rumors aren’t true
2007: ‘It was a hoax.
Will Google build a Second Life metaverse with Google Earth in China?
2007: Rumors only.
Topix.net and Tribune Enter into Classified Syndication Agreement with Each Other
2007: Tribune has awarded Topix a deal to provide the content and back-end platform for general merchandise to be published on the newspaper site.
News Search + Personalization + Social Media = Wikio
2007: Wikio is a combination of articles from major news websites and blogs, along with comments and tags from Wikio users.
From Search Marketing Expo (SMX)
Past contributions from Search Engine Land Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
These columns are a snapshot as of now and have not been updated since publication unless otherwise noted. The opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily Search Engine Land.
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