Google begins experimenting with featured snippets
In 2014, Google began answering complex questions at the top of search results with detailed answers (or answers) pulled from websites.
Sound like a featured snippet? because it is.

We know from Google that Featured Snippets were introduced in January 2014. We don’t know the official date when Google started testing, but this was the date when Search Engine Land first reported on the new search feature.
I didn’t know these answers were called “featured snippets” yet, but apparently that’s what we were seeing. At the time, Google said:
Read about what was then an experimental feature: OneBox Answers in Google Search Gets More Detailed
this day too
‘Untitled’ search result directs users to spam site, Google is ‘taking action’
2022: Google’s Danny Sullivan said, “This is what our systems typically detect and we are checking for improvements.”
SEO community mourns SEO automation advocate and dearest friend Hamlet Batista
2021: Those who knew him, admired him, learned from him and loved him reeled from the loss.
Google Search Console releases new removal tool
2020: The tool temporarily blocked the URL from appearing on Google, showing stale content and content filtered by SafeSearch.
A visual history of Google Ads labeling in search results
2020: From shades of blue to today’s latest version, take a look back at how Google treated ads in search results.
Botify partnership with Microsoft brings real-time content indexing to Bing
2020: Instant indexing and more control over content was a win-win for publishers and site owners.
DuckDuckGo has other ideas for Google’s EU search selection screen
2020: Changes included more search engine options and an introductory screen aimed at reducing bias.
Google AMP errors widely reported by webmasters and publishers
2019: This is a Google issue and will be resolved.
DuckDuckGo is growing fast, but not enough to get SEO attention
2019: A third-party analysis showed that although the search engine had a small share, it outperformed Bing in some metrics.
Google Updates General Guidelines Section of Webmaster Guidelines
2016: We’ve detailed examples of how Google can help you find your webpages, give you a better idea of what those pages are about, and how you can create useful webpages for your visitors.
Introducing AdWords app for iOS for iPhone users
2016: See how your AdWords campaigns are performing, change bids, and adjust budgets from your mobile phone.
New US presidential ‘candidate card’ is a disaster for Google search quality
2016: They added little value in exchange for Google giving up its precious search results space.
Yahoo redesigns homepage and apps to deliver consistent experience with more relevant news
2016: A near-endless news stream eliminates the need for Yahoo users to open news articles in multiple browser tabs.
Google now supports crawling and indexing of locale-aware web pages
2015: Google has added support for web pages that dynamically change content based on IP origin or language preference.
Bing Maps shows the spirit of the Super Bowl with new venue maps, streetsides, and high-res venue images
2015: The update included new satellite and ground-level imagery, as well as detailed seat maps of the stadium itself.
Google’s Matt Cutts explains that older sites don’t always maintain current rankings
2014: Cutts answers the question, “How can older sites maintain their rankings over time?”
Google Issues Subtle Warning To ‘Thin Content’ Affiliates
2014: The warnings were primarily aimed at affiliate sites in the “adult” industry.
Moz 2014 Industry Survey Results: Google Webmaster Tools Ranked Top SEO Tools
2014: 68.8% of participants planned to focus on conversion rates and performance metrics after Google removed keyword data.
Google showing date selector in hotel knowledge graph carousel
2014: Clicking on the start or end date will bring up a calendar pop-up where you can change your check-in and check-out dates.
The Search Agency: Q4 2013 CPCs up overall, Bing ad spend down
2014: Paid search spend grew 37.4% year-over-year, according to the report.
DeepMind buys another Google ‘Moonshot’
2014: “It’s not hard to imagine machine learning and AI being applied broadly across Google, from search and mobile, to advertising, robotics, self-driving cars, security and the connected home.”
5 Tactics Super Bowl Advertisers Are Using to Drive Paid Search Campaigns
2014: Five trends from Super Bowl advertisers on Google and Yahoo Bing Networks.
Google details how it will respond to government requests for user and search data
2013: Governments regularly request access to user data from search engines such as Google for a variety of reasons. Google says it takes each request very seriously.
Google promotes AdWords Express on Google+ as a way to ‘get more followers’
2013: Apparently Google was trying to cross-promote AdWords Express and Google+.
Plus $14M Q&A site ChaCha Soldiers
2013: In the last 18 months, ChaCha has looked at 2 billion questions and assembled 129 million Q&A pairs.
Two weeks later, Google says “Search Plus Your World” is working.Critics need to give time
2012: Amit Singhal told Search Engine Land: No product is perfect. improve. “
Research: Reviews and Images Drive Clicks on Mobile
2012: Images and reviews were very important in capturing user eye movements and clicks.
Google logo of the largest observed snowflake
2012: That happened 125 years ago at Fort Keough, Montana.
Google Launches Algorithm to Combat Low-Quality Scraper Content
2011: The algorithm change was to keep Google’s index from including low quality scraper content. Just over 2% of his queries were impacted.
Microsoft posted nearly $20 billion in revenue in Q2, ‘Bing division’ still suffering losses despite higher search revenue
2011: Online Services, which houses all of Microsoft’s online operations, including MSN and Bing, posted a loss of $543 million. This is up from his $463 million in 2010.
AdWords home page is more modular and customizable
2011: Google has redesigned the homepage of the AdWords advertiser interface to provide marketers with more relevant and customized information.
Bing Travel launches destination comparison tool
2011: Bing’s Destinations page allows searchers to compare multiple destinations in a side-by-side layout at once.
Google Legal Matters That Aren’t Affecting Brands: A Study
2011: Did a scandal or antitrust investigation undermine public trust in Google or damage the Google brand? Not at all.
Google and Connecticut-led Coalition Agree to Negotiate WiFi Data Collection Issues
2011: Google and a coalition of 40 US states led by Connecticut will begin negotiations aimed at resolving issues related to Google’s collection of personal data over unsecured WiFi networks.
Honeycomb, Google event on February 2 to showcase tablets
2011: Several tablet demos were planned
Search by photo: Google Mannequin, Google Voice Sign, Yahoo Freeze
2011: Latest images of what people are eating, how they are playing, who they are meeting, where they are talking, what toys they have, etc. at a search engine company.
Personalize Google Maps Suggestions
2010: Google has started personalizing the search suggestions you see on Google Maps.
Survey: Only 42% of Americans Have Searched on Google
2010: This was slightly higher than 36% of UK consumers who purchased, but much lower than in Germany (59%) and France (56%).
Google Updates Google Book Search After Apple iPad Launch
2010: Less than 24 hours after Apple announced the Apple iPad, Google announced improvements to the Google Books home page.
Google officially introduces ‘clickable phone numbers’ for mobile search ads
2010: It demanded a one-click charge on your mobile phone.
Bing debuts detailed stock page
2010: Bing’s “stocks and funds page” provided detailed information for users conducting research related to stocks and finance.
Ballmer posts his thoughts on China’s Google on blog
2010: “We have been doing business in China for over 20 years and will continue to be involved, which means our business must respect Chinese law.”
Click fraud rate hits all-time high
2009: Click Forensics estimated the overall average click fraud rate for Q4 2008 at 17.1%. This is the highest level since tracking began in 2006.
Yahoo Trying To Justify Auto-Optimization Of Accounts
2009: Purpose: To help small and medium size advertisers who suffer from “performance issues”.
Pew: Young and old, search cuts by age
2009: Search was used almost equally across all groups.
New “no address” search feature in Google Maps
2008: Users can get directions and business locations without entering a destination address.
Info view and map view added to Google Experimental Search
2008: Google has added a map view and a new information view that allows you to see different results on your page.
Google Colorado’s ‘mysterious buyer’?
2008: “It’s like dealing with the CIA.”
Today is “Data Privacy Day”.Bush Administration Launches Internet Surveillance Initiative
2008: We’ve added new videos to our existing set of privacy videos and created a privacy booklet (PDF) to educate consumers and parents about online data privacy.
New UK-based property search engine DotHomes launches in US
2008: DotHomes aspired to be the “Google of property searches” and was crawling listings.
Google Lego Logo: Google Offers Lego 50th Birthday Wishes
2008: The Google logo was made out of Lego.
YouTube launches revenue sharing for video providers
2007: This allows original video creators to earn money every time their videos are viewed on YouTube.
Past contributions from Search Engine Land Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
These columns are a snapshot as of now and have not been updated since publication unless otherwise noted. The opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily Search Engine Land.
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