Many people don’t realize how much insurance companies rely on advertising to create their identity. Compared to physical products, insurance is invisible and people gain brand relevance through advertising. How much you invest in advertising and how you lead your marketing strategy are core differentiators in who wins and who loses in the insurance category. And Aflac’s Garth Nutson teaches us how to win the insurance game.
Aflac Chief Marketing Officer Garth Knutson joins Suzy Founder and CEO Matt Britton on the latest episode of The Speed of Culture podcast in partnership with Adweek. They discuss the role of advertising for health insurance companies and how to guide good marketing strategies for success in the industry.
Knutson is an advertising and marketing professional with 18 years of experience developing and launching brands, campaigns and marketing programs for small Fortune 500 companies. Prior to Aflac, he held marketing roles at companies such as Amazon, Publicis Seattle, and WONGDOODY.
He explores why most Americans make health insurance decisions during the football season, the industry’s biggest differentiators, and how brands like Aflac are adapting their advertising strategies to the new macro environment. This section explains.
Stream the new episode below, listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or discover it on Spotify.
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