Vertex Energy Inc (VTNR) is positioned near the top of industry groups. investor observerVTNR has an overall rating of 71. This means you have a stake of over 71%. Vertex Energy Inc ranked 79th in the oil and gas refining and marketing industry. Oil and gas refining and marketing ranks 6th out of 148 industries.
What do these ratings mean?
Trying to find the best stocks can be a daunting task. There are many ways to analyze stocks to determine which stocks are performing the strongest. investor observer The whole process is made easy with Percentile Rankings that make it easy to find the stocks with the highest ratings from analysts. Our proprietary scoring system gathers technical factors, fundamental analysis, and analyst opinion on Wall Street. This will investor observerOur overall assessment is a great way to start, regardless of your investment style. Scores ranked by percentile are also easy to understand. A score of 100 is the highest and 0 is the lowest. No need to try to remember what is “good” for a complex set of ratios. Just pay attention to which number is the highest.
What is the Vertex Energy Inc stock price today?
Shares of Vertex Energy Inc (VTNR) are trading at $6.03 as of 11:26 am on Friday, December 30, down -$0.24, or -3.75%, from the previous closing price of $6.26. The stock today is trading between $5.99 and $6.40 so far. Today’s trading volume is below average. To date, 890,116 shares have been traded with an average trading volume of 2,789,050 shares. Click here for the full stock report for the Vertex Energy Inc Stock.
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