Crypto Sports Network receives a strong long term technical score of 94. investor observerA survey of based on historical trading patterns. Our proprietary scoring system weighs price movements over recent months to a year, analyzes the coin’s level of support and resistance, and compares it to its long-term average to determine if it’s a strong buy-and-hold investment. Decide if it’s an opportunity. CSPN currently holds better long-term technical analysis scores than 94% of cryptocurrencies in circulation. This ranking metric is most useful to buy-and-hold investors looking for strong and stable growth when allocating their assets. A coin with high long-term and short-term technical scores can help signal that an asset has bottomed out, offering investors an opportunity to “buy the dip.”

Transaction analysis
CSPN is currently at -0.0020795 (-23.41%) below the 100-day moving average price of $0.008881133, which is currently at $0.006801634. Meanwhile, the Crypto Sports Network is $0.0038033 (-366638.79%) above its 52-week low of $0.002998373 and -$0.38232321 (-2568.12%) below its 52-week high of $0.389124840. The moving average and the current price against 52 week highs and lows lead to a strong long term technical score of 94. Crypto Sports Network’s long-term trading history trend suggests that traders are currently neutral to the coin. The Crypto Sports Network currently has a market capitalization of $18,619.65 and an average daily trading volume of $1,328.79 over the last 7 days. CSPN’s volume was below its 7-day average over the last 24 hours, with 175.44 traded during that period.
Crypto Sports Network’s technical analysis over the past year found that the crypto received a strong long-term technical score of 94, as price movements over that period gave traders reason to be neutral to the coin in the long run. Click to get the full report on the Crypto Sports Network (CSPN).
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