Popular reality show Shark Tank India is set to launch its second season on Monday. The show features budding entrepreneurs presenting their business ideas to a panel of “sharks” seeking investment. Anupam Mittal (Shaadi.com), Namita Tapar (Encur), Paysh Bansal (Lenskart), Aman Gupta (boAt), Vinita Singh (Sugar) and Amit Jain (Cardekho.com) are investing in the business this season. can be seen. In exchange for a certain amount of shares from the pitcher.
In a chat with indianexpress.com, Bansal talked about not wanting to return to the show because he wanted to live a normal life away from his massive fan following. In addition to the conversation, the businessman said there were several cases that made him self-reflect, which led him to decide to participate.
Elaborating on the same, Peyush Bansal said that when he became an entrepreneur, he was invited to events like wine and cheese at Bill Gates’ house. “It even inspired me to pick up shark tank indiaI realized very late that this show wasn’t about trading and making money, and it had an impact on budding entrepreneurs and even kids. And I later discovered the spark we created when 7- or 10-year-olds shared their business ideas with you with great hope. have a moral obligation. I always feel that we are privileged to share a great deal of destiny. So we shouldn’t hold back on it and I think we’ll get used to it by the next few seasons. “
Bansal also said that his investment in Jugaaadu Kamlesh defined why he joined the show. “That’s also why I decided to come back, because of Kamlesh and what we can do with his life,” he said, adding that they had already built four prototypes of his He added that he is working on a fifth prototype. “Kamlesh is growing in confidence and audiences will soon find out more about him.”
Peyush Bansal, a self-professed ‘nerd’, emphasized the importance of openness to adapt and change over time. In his first job, his manager said his greatest strength was his ability to listen and adapt. But over time he understood its importance. I didn’t do SNS, but I am conscious of important things for the new era. Young people share their lives and form their opinions on the platform. I don’t want to be stiff because my job is how people wear glasses. “
The businessman also talked about Ashnia Glover’s absence this season. “Also, with so many deals going on this season, I think it’s 10x better. Ultimately, I don’t think it’s about me or the other sharks.”
Finally, we asked Peyush Bansal to share three tips for budding entrepreneurs. Here are his words:
1. Don’t pursue entrepreneurship, be purposeful. Always believe in solving problems, not just running a business. Try to be clear about what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these.
2. Surround yourself with great people and mingle with like-minded people. They say the world is small, but I’m sure you’ll meet someone with the same vision. That way you can surround yourself with great people, so it’s important to notice right away.
3. Keep your technology up to date. Don’t count too much on most revolutions, as many of the revolutions of the last decade were fueled by technology. As powerful as any language.
Starting January 2nd, Shark Tank India 2 will air on Sony TV and stream on SonyLIV at 10pm.
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