shark tank india are all slated to return for a second season, and in preparation for that, Sony shared an unseen pitch from the show’s first season. with Anupam Mittal, Namita Tapper Ghazal Alagh, Peyush Bansal and Vineeta Singh from an upholstery company known as Artment joined the panel to pitch sharks.
The brother-sister duo valued the company at Rs 6.8 crore and were seeking Rs 170 crore for 2.5% of the business. As the entrepreneur explained the product and talked about profit margins, Namita said he was out and about, adding:Carp Anoki Bad Nahi Hi. (No USP). Vineeta and he also went out with Ghazal, who offered them mentorship.
Anupam asked entrepreneurs many questions about their market segment, which he felt they were not answering satisfactorily. He said, “Aapke approach se main sehmat nahi hun. (I disagree with your approach. I still cannot agree with your assessment). I was.
When the entrepreneurs instantly turned down Anupam’s deal, he was taken aback.Aap mujhe disappoints kar rahe ho. (You are letting me down). When the entrepreneurs said they declined because they didn’t want to go into debt, this was a signal to the other sharks that they didn’t want to go into debt with their companies.Peyush jumped in and declared himself a fan of theirs. Did. “Main aapka fan ho gaya hun, entrepreneurial wisdom (I am now a fan of yours as an entrepreneur),” he said. He also went out and did not offer them a deal, but instead offered to mentor them.
Shark Tank India returns with its second season on January 2nd.
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