At Shark Tank India, on a daily basis, we see young and experienced entrepreneurs pitching their investment in sharks within reason to expand their business in different sectors and make a name for themselves in the world. I’m in the eye
Two young entrepreneurs with a vision to sell electric bikes and tricycles nationwide and abroad. One of his co-founders shared the story of opening his coffee shop during his engineering days and then selling it to the campus for $75,000. Now this cycle with his business, he wants his company to reach out to the world. At first it seemed that the shark numbers were not getting along, but Peyush and Aman provided sharks on specific terms.
Another small snack company, PatilKaaki, entered Shark Tank, pitching a $40 million valuation for a 2% stake in the business. A college and school dropout who helped a simple housewife start this business in Snacks in 2016 impressed the shark, they were provided by her Anupam, Aman, and Peyush, and later her The deal closed on Peyush’s deal.
A start-up that touted a fire extinguisher that could help people put out fires before it was too late offered Sharks a 5% stake. Namrita offered 70 lac at 10% equity, but the distribution was 35 lac as money and 35 lac as debt with 12% interest.
In every episode, the sharks are amazed by young people with visions of changing the world with their revolutionary ideas.
Also read: Hard to Raise From the Ashes – Shark Tank ‘Stage’ Entrepreneur Spike Entrepreneurship
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