shark tank india season 2 It premiered on Sony TV on Monday. The first episode began with ‘Sharks’ Namita Tapah and Vineeta Singh ‘righting’ the wrongs of Season 1. Two female entrepreneurs, Yuma Ja and Kalpana Ja, are back in this episode. She pitched her pickle business last year, but she walked away. Empty-handed. In the second season, Namita and Vinita offered them an investment of 850,000 rupees.
Monday’s episode of the show kicked off by sharing how Uma and Kalpana grew their business after appearing on Shark Tank India last year. “Yes, there have been changes. Three months of sales happened overnight,” they shared.
After that, they are surprised by Namita and Vinita. Namita said he “regrets” not investing in the business. “The good thing about regret is that you can fix it,” she added. Ms Vineeta shared how her mother scolded her for not investing in her Jha Ji pickles.
Vineeta and Namita then offered to invest Rs 85 lakh in the business in exchange for an 8.4% stake. Initially, Uma and Kalpana were asking him Rs.5 lakh for his 10% stake. They accepted the offer and said to Namita and Vinita: Vineeta added that the story of Uma and Kalpana “will inspire more ‘halwa’ and ‘ladoo’ enterprises in small towns and villages.”
Namita concludes by saying that to start a new Shark Tank India journey, it is important to finish the previous one in good shape.
Shark Tank India airs on Sony TV and streams on SonyLIV. Rahul Dua will be the host and his Anupam Mittal, Aman Gupta, Peyush Bansal, Namita Thapar and Vineeta Singh of ‘Sharks’ will return. The new ‘shark’ he was joined by CarDekho co-founder Amit Jain.
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