Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s surprise visit to Washington in mid-December has dominated US headlines and commentary ahead of the holiday season. As expected, reactions ranged from trite to trite (focusing, for example, on war leader Zelensky’s casual attire for meetings at the White House and Congress). But few experts were able to ask the most important question raised by the visit of the Ukrainian president: what exactly will a lasting peace between Moscow and Kyiv look like? Conversely, what conditions would be counterproductive for Ukraine and the Kremlin to merely create a tactical pause before encouraging renewed hostilities with Russia aimed at other targets? is it?
Even casual reading of Russian history helps explain why this should be a top priority.
In 1263, the small city of Moscow was a vassal state of the Mongol Empire. Through repeated wars of aggression, it grew in size until it was finally liberated from the Mongols in 1480.th In the 19th century, additional conflicts built an empire spanning 11 time zones, whose vast territory was further expanded under Soviet rule.
All Russian officials are aware of this history, and have been taught from an early age that the conquest of foreign lands is a hallmark of national greatness. It’s just This is to buy time for Moscow to become strong enough to make the additional territory its own again.
This imperial ideology was briefly explained by a key Kremlin insider, Vladislav Surkov. In February 2019, he wrote, Russia was “gathering in size and collecting lands inhabited by peoples united by a common heritage.” Our country according to world history. ” In other words, as Surkov and his superior, Russian President Vladimir Putin, see, Russian imperialism is a matter of historical destiny.
This view, which is widely held among the Russian elite, upsets many in Europe. This is especially true of Poland and the Baltic states, which despite being members of NATO are at risk of potential Russian invasion due to their geographic background and history. But it also applies to the Nordic countries of Sweden and Finland, which must seriously consider long-standing Russian claims to their respective sovereign territories. That is why, in recent months, both long-standing neutral countries have opted to join the Atlantic Alliance. Simply put, they understand that the Russian imperial urge is unlikely to go away anytime soon.
Indeed, such dreams are not exclusive to Russia. The idea of imperialism was slow to fade in all the former empires. This is because a resource-rich, nuclear-armed Russia could emerge from its current conflict with its lingering imperial ambitions, thereby setting the stage for yet another conflict. This is a matter of concern.
So what should we do?
First, the West needs to help Ukraine regain full sovereignty over its land. If Russia’s gratuitous aggression, war crimes, and nuclear blackmail lead to unjustified territorial acquisition, it will only further fuel Russia’s desires. Moreover, if Russia is seen to have emerged as the victor from the current conflict, it will strengthen the hawkish hands of other nations and spark the imagination. China’s ruling Communist Party would see a takeover of Taiwan more feasible. , why can’t we do the same?
Second, even if peace fully restores Ukraine’s territories, the United States should take the lead in developing a multilateral security structure sufficient to deter future Russian imperial impulses — once more. Ideology, whether against Ukraine or against other lands deemed “lost” by the Kremlin. Such preemptive investments are prudent despite the associated costs. In retrospect, if Putin knew how strongly the West would support Ukraine, would he have attacked it in the first place?
Without both, US financial commitments are expected to rise sharply in the future as Russia uses its brink lessons in Ukraine to help plan other former territories, prompting additional adversaries to follow suit. Ru.
In his speech to the US Congress, Mr Zelensky correctly described US aid to Ukraine as an investment in global stability. This is a message worth noting. After all, not all wisdom is wrapped up in a bespoke suit.
Herman Pirchner, Jr. is president of the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC.
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