latest collaboration single. San Diego hip-hop artist Chris Bargos, “Don’t stop”ticks all the right boxes when it comes to creating timeless hip-hop.

A masterful music artist with the personality and flair of contemporary hip-hop Chris Bargos Released his new collaboration single “Don’t stop”The song is intriguing from the get-go, gripping the listener like a villain with fiery lyrics and a constant gush of fiery passion. An impassioned vocal conveys the artist’s emotion well and gives the song the organic touch it needs to resonate with the listener. The track’s haunting backdrop weaves the ventures of simplicity with rising notes amplified by industrial rhythms, wowing the listener with sharp rhymes and offbeat melodies.
“Don’t stop” The evocative poetry is not an unconscious eruption, as it demonstrates an intellectually grounded method of production and heartfelt writing. What stands out about this song is its authenticity and creative sublime, showing an innate musical soul. San Diego hip hop artistThe song’s intent and style are captivating, keeping listeners hooked on the track’s groovy beat. It also sheds light on the contemporary scene of modern day trap creatively proceeding with its own freshness. This creation takes the audience into a whole other dimension of hypnotic music and rocks to its rhythm. The song moves at a steady pace, immersing the listener in the mood of the song.
This Robby Loco latest release Chris Bargos And Dre Fleche shows the versatility and depth of Bargos when it comes to his art. The trippy production with ingenious sound design makes this song a classic. Chris has proven his musical prowess time and time again with tracks like ‘Girls Showin Love’ and ‘Sayin IDGAF’.Please log in to listen to these tracks sound cloudfollow him Facebook When Instagram Don’t miss his latest updates.
Listen to this track on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/robby-loco/dont-stop-it
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