Xiaomi launched the Redmi Band 2 in China last month along with the Redmi Watch 3. The lightweight, affordable wearable was told to travel to Europe shortly after. A launch seems imminent as marketing materials and pricing have been leaked online. .
As revealed by Sudhanshu Ambhore, the Redmi Band 2 will arrive in Europe with a price tag of €34.99 (US$38). However, it is not specified if that is the regular retail price or the early bird price. From one point of view, the Redmi Band 2 debuted in China with his RMB 169 MSRP. This translates to his US$25 or €23. In any case, the Redmi Band 2 lands in Europe as one of the established brand’s most affordable smartbands.
Redmi Band 2 features a 1.47 inch TFT display with a thickness of 9.99 mm and a weight of 14.9g. Features include sleep, Sp02, heart rate monitoring, 100+ band faces, 30+ sport modes, 5ATM water resistance, and up to 14 days battery life. It is currently unknown if the more impressive and expensive Redmi Watch 3 will also launch in Europe.
Buy Xiaomi Band 7 Pro on Amazon.
I like technology and it’s simple. Half the time you’ll find me writing sleazy sales copy. The rest of his time, he spends his time keeping readers up-to-date with what’s happening in the world of mobile technology and watching football. Before joining the Notebookcheck team in 2017, he worked as a writer for both journo and freelance content. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on Twitter or Reddit.
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