Bangalore – InUnity Mangaluru, a four-month youth entrepreneurship program, celebrated the graduation of its second cohort on January 7, 2023 at Comedkares Innovation Hub Mangaluru. The graduation ceremony was attended by D. Vedavyas Kamath, Managing Director of DVG Group and his MLA Mangalore South, Dr. S. Kumar, Executive Director of COMEDK, Sanjeev Gupta, CEO of KDEM and Chairman of CII. It was presided over by a certain Mr. Gaurav Hegde. Mangalore.
“In line with our vision of harnessing the potential of young people to become job creators, InUnity has taken an important first step in developing the next generation of entrepreneurs. It will be held as a biannual event in collaboration with all technical and non-technical institutions and industry associations in the , Udupi, and Uttara Kannada districts. We shall focus on the guidance of , which we hope will result in 100 startups by 2026.” Johnson Terris (Co-Founder and CEO, InUnity LLP).
“The Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship believes there needs to be a paradigm shift for young people in India moving from job seekers to job creators. 10,000 non-agricultural jobs need to be created, and encouraging problem-oriented entrepreneurship among young people could be key to developing solutions to the current unemployment crisis. ventures can help address local challenges and in turn create a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem.GAME is honored to partner with InUnity for this innovative program. increase. Madan Padaki (Co-Founder of GAME).
The graduation program recognized the achievements of young, up-and-coming entrepreneurs and awarded 54 students who were shortlisted from 500 applicants. These students develop potential solutions over the course of four months and study agriculture, medicine, waste management, and deep technology. Principals and coordinators of various universities in the Mangaluru area encouraged students with their gracious presence.
The program also aims to create a forward coalition of current cohorts, build a network of investors and incubators ready to support student startups, and scale and replicate InUnity’s model. . The program also expands the narrative of the potential success of youth entrepreneurship, empowering it to shift the narrative from job seekers to job creators and problem solvers.
Launched in 2021, InUnity is a pilot program in partnership with the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME) and the Confederation of Indian Industries Mangaluru. It was launched with a vision to identify entrepreneurial youth across the Mangaluru region to solve local challenges. Prominent organizations and institutions such as the Syngenta Foundation, College of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, and Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Dakshina Kannada have worked with InUnity to identify local issues in need of solutions. The program is now poised for further growth and broader adoption statewide.
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