A team of local entrepreneurs Michael Grieve, Trevin Kennedy and Justin Stange met with the Princeton Planning Commission on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of bringing a microbrewery to their building at 430 South Main Street in Princeton. rice field.
“We’ve started building a little bit, but not all of it,” Grieve said. “Hopefully we have plans to bring some pretty exciting stuff downtown.”
The location, which currently houses a retail space, is a microbrewery with approximately 1,600 square feet of taproom for customers and approximately 500 square feet of brewing space that is enclosed but planned for customer visibility. It’s going to change places.
The group’s brewing facility will consist of three 120-gallon tanks brewing on a nine-hour cycle. At this place he wants to serve 12 different beers at once.
While there are currently no plans to serve food at the location, the group has asked the committee to offer the possibility of working with nearby restaurants, such as the Oriental Garden and Downtown Pub & Grill, to provide a way to serve refreshments to customers. I indicated to explore. eat.
Current plans are to employ 5 to 10 people and operate six days a week from noon to 8pm on weekdays and until midnight on weekends.
The group plans to have a variety of seating options, from bar to table seating, and said the layout of the building would be similar to that of Spoons Restaurant and Bar.
Barring any obstacles, the group hopes to open in June, around the same time as Princeton’s summer concert series.
No official decision has been made on the microbrewery at this time as further research is required by city officials.
After hearing the group’s plans, Princeton’s Planning Commission will examine the city’s zoning in the area to determine if any changes are needed and add the topic to the Commission’s next agenda.
The next regular Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14 at 5:30 pm at City Hall, 2 S. Main St.
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