Madison, Wisconsin — Despite freezing temperatures, shoppers rushed to stores across Madison on Christmas Eve to hunt for last-minute gifts.
Jennifer Kolas was visiting Madison on vacation. She loves getting out of her house to check out her local shops, she said.
“I’m used to the weather, but I’m not used to the weather,” Colas said. “When we’re in Madison, we always go to the record store. We also have his 3-year-old who is very sick, and he’s so cranky that I really have to stay away from him.” did.”
Kollath said he was a little worried about the road and the temperature, but he was happy with both on Sunday.
“I was a little nervous about driving, but once I hit the open road it was fine. “It was worth going outside, and for some reason, the sun is shining today and I don’t feel cold. It’s still cold, but the sunshine made me feel good.”
The storm that hit Wisconsin left only four inches of snow in Madison.
But Brian Johnson, a spokesman for the City of Madison’s Streets Division, said the storm was causing a lot of problems for his crew and drivers.
“It’s so cold that we can’t salt the roads because salt doesn’t work in this cold,” Johnson said.
Until the temperature warms up, Johnson and his team sand hilltops and intersections to increase traction.
He said the wind still makes things difficult.
“It’s just blowing things away, so much of what we’ve plowed is just being pushed back onto the road by the winds that are blowing the snow off the lakes and farms,” Johnson said.
Mr Johnson said his workers would be out until all was cleared up.
He asks everyone to treat his employees with respect on the street so that they can do their job and go home for Christmas.
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