
For anyone thinking of moving to Arizona, please find somewhere else. We are full.
seriously. (Well, as “serious” as an opinion I get from someone who isn’t a demographer and didn’t bother to consult a demographer before writing this screed.)
Water is scarce, roads are congested, and the cost of living is so high that tenants have to climb the beanstalk just to pay the rent. (Phoenix area landlords put their “fees” in “fees.”)
As a solution, I hope Governor Katie Hobbs will borrow some strategies from her Republican counterparts to keep all the Northern invaders from Winnipeg, Chicago, and New York from depleting our great state’s resources. (Don’t even get me started on carpetbaggers from California and Washington.)
Step 1: Demonize those who move here
Hobbs said first that people from these places “have a lot of problems and bring those problems to us. They bring drugs. They bring crime.” ”
(She shouldn’t go to Donald Trump outright by saying, “They are rapists.” But, as Trump did with his infamous 2015 campaign remarks, she should add… “I think some of them are good people.”)
She could add that we don’t want the kind Minnesotans because they don’t do “good” here because everything from plants to the weather can be deadly. No matter how many people flock from Vancouver to the southwest, they wouldn’t call rock sliding on an ice rink a sport.
Supporters welcome it:Hobbes to continue immigration bus program
From there, Hobbes would find support in pursuing a policy against invaders from Canada, the Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest that had been used against immigrants from Mexico and Central America.
Children in cages. A border wall that Michigan and Ohio must pay for. And he’s fortifying Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico to set up transit stations to stop people coming in at will.
Lack of water to support new people
If you think this is harsh, don’t realize that Lake Mead is a water body and desalination is far from cost-effective, but farmers in Arizona, like Alfalfa in Saudi Arabia, We grow crops that never make sense.
When it comes to residential water, things are complicated. But already the City of Scottsdale is cutting off unincorporated communities that stretch outside its boundaries as state and local water managers fuss over “acre feet” and “common stream rulings.” .
The bottom line is that Arizona is a desert and doesn’t have enough water to support all of its recent and projected population growth. It’s not just from the south!
Public transportation is bad. Anecdotally, “snowbird season” seems to be getting longer each year, with US 60, Interstate 10, and Interstate 17 all at some stage of a major construction project. , city planners are debating the best way. Close the long-simmering 303 loop.
Arizona was considered an affordable place to raise a family, but Phoenix has the worst inflation rate in the country.
A playbook is already written for Hobbs
I’m not an economist, and I didn’t bother to interview them. Because the issue in my untrained but highly opinionated eyes is clearly immigration on Arizona’s north and east borders.
Hobbs should require Joe Biden to build a wall and wave his finger on the tarmac as he exits Air Force One. Just like former Governor Jan Brewer did to Barack Obama.
If that fails, she’ll have to see if former Governor Doug Ducey’s shipping containers are available and build her own wall on top of the state.
She needs to push for policies that separate families and put children in border cages.
She should support plans to allow police to investigate the immigration status of people suspected of being from the San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle.
She should rewrite election laws to force those lucky enough to get a home here to pass literacy and Arizona history tests before they can vote in local elections. am.
In short, she should treat all people flocking to Arizona from the North the same way Republicans treated people coming to our state from the South.
Those considering moving to Arizona may find themselves looking elsewhere. I’m full.
(And no, I wasn’t born here. I’m from the Midwest. But I’m not talking about me. I’m one of the good guys.)
Greg Moore is an award-winning columnist, documentary writer, and journalist in Arizona since 2011. As a member of the editorial board of the Arizona Republic, he writes on a myriad of topics, including race, culture, and fatherhood.
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