SoulPhamm enters the last few weeks of tryouts, but there are still spots available on the hip-hop majorette dance team for girls ages 11-21. We also consider undergraduate students up to the age of 25. This makes for a mobile, competitive team that also appears in parades and high-profile events.
The program will run at the Newark YMCA on Saturdays from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm through June 2023, with an additional night of virtual programming at no additional charge (tutoring, test preparation, goal setting, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, fitness/wellness, dance/step clinics). Participants also occasionally cross-train on the steps to cheer, stomp, and shake for a more balanced experience.
Trial is free. Documents will be distributed on the spot. Tryouts are easy. Candidates just need to attend regular practice and coaches can assess their level of skill.
Then the season cost is: $40 registration (Small payments available between now and March 31st) When $20/month. All artists and athletes purchase their own uniforms.
To register for tryouts and receive team-specific details, please complete the form on our website.
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