An ambitious Largs Academy student, she is taking her first steps as an aspiring entrepreneur after launching her own marketing business.
17-year-old Katie Trotter started her own company called KTM after being spotted by top brands Lionsgate UK and Puffin Books.
The teen says she became passionate about business after posting pictures of her horses online as a lucrative side business.
She explains:
“I ran a merchandise business for a year when I was 15. It was a big learning curve for me, but I closed it down to focus on growing my YouTube following.
“With over 100,000 followers on Instagram and YouTube, I have also been privileged to work with various companies such as Lionsgate UK and Puffin Books.
“Now that I have started Katie Trotter Marketing, or what I call KTM, I feel great running my own business.”
Katie’s purpose is to help businesses and influencers grow their footprint on social media.
she said:
“I’m starting another completely separate business later this year, so we’re working in parallel behind the scenes.”
Katie says her age isn’t holding her back and hopes she can inspire other up-and-coming young entrepreneurs.
She told News: I see only successes and lessons learned – and I will learn many of them!
“My age doesn’t affect my ability to work, but sometimes I worry that I won’t be taken seriously because I’m young.
“The truth is, I’ve always dressed like I wanted to be: a CEO. At school, at meetings, at work, I always wear a blazer and heels and I think it makes a good impression.” .
“I think if you really want something, whether it’s business or something else, you have to go after it with all your might.”
For more information, please visit www.katietrottermarketing.com or send an email to katietrottermarketing@katietrottermarketing.com.
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