Milwaukee — Milwaukee’s Rapid Enforcement Initiative is helping reduce reckless driving in the city.
This initiative will quickly and cost-effectively improve streets for greater safety and comfort for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers. The project uses pavement markings and flexible stanchions to create curb extensions and pedestrian islands.
City leaders will work with the Near West Side Business Improvement District and the Crissol Corridor Business Improvement District in 2020 for a rapid implementation curb extension along portions of N. 27th St. and S. 13th St. Tried.
Robert Montemayor is the owner of Milwaukee’s Monterey Market and chairman of the Crisol Corridor.
“When we started these initiatives, it was a positive connection to our community,” he said.
(Spectrum News 1/Catalina Velázquez)
It was important to him as a business owner to help make this initiative a reality.
“People walking down the street don’t want to cross the street with their kids and see cars going 40 or 50 miles an hour,” Montemayor said. “It does nothing for this community.”
Marissa Meyer is a Senior Transportation Planner at DPW. She said the traffic-calming poles installed on roads help slow traffic by narrowing the streets.
Not only are these posts cheaper and more flexible than concrete, she said, they can be installed faster. He said that it could function as a means of
She said the city’s “Vision Zero” goal is to have zero traffic-related deaths.
(Spectrum News 1/Catalina Velázquez)
DPW selected the locations, starting with the urban corridors with the highest collision risk. Since the initiative began in his 2020, excessive speeding has dropped by 40% overall.
There was a 17.5% reduction in speeding on N. 27th St. and a 9.6% reduction on S. 13th St.
Montemayor is happy that the city has done a lot to address the problem of reckless driving.
“The knitting community is very close-knit, so we are always trying to find initiatives that are of value to the community,” he said.
He said safer driving is a community effort and everyone should work towards achieving it.
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