Mogul founder Tiffany Pham
Entrepreneurs are a key factor in moving forward as humanity by improving the lives of individuals and communities as well as the economy as a whole. Becoming an entrepreneur is a difficult path to choose. It can be mentally, emotionally, physically and financially taxing. Yet entrepreneurs say yes to the call and continue to fight against all odds. Sadly, support and access to capital have waned. Over the past century, entrepreneurship has declined. There are many reasons, including rising student loan debt and a shrinking middle class. This means that Uncle Joe can no longer afford to provide business loans. That’s why it’s even more important to us to support our friends, colleagues, and even people we may not know in setting up new businesses.
Entrepreneurs often feel like they are working alone in a silo. During the building phase of a business, there isn’t much outside encouragement to help build momentum. Momentum must come from internal forces and can often dry up. Founders pour energy into every crevasse in their business, from product development to marketing to fundraising to office toilet paper stock. increase. And even with setbacks, founders have to be strong, confident, and optimistic to become business cheerleaders. It’s no wonder that founders are four times more likely to be depressed than the general public.
Being an entrepreneur is hard work. Support often takes the form of praise, but rarely is there action behind the words of affirmation. Most of us are guilty of inaction. Naturally, life is busy and complicated. But what if it took him only a minute of his day to “follow” a friend’s business her page or pre-order a product?
If you’re not an entrepreneur, you may not know how much it means to get support. Small actions can make a big difference to a business or entrepreneur’s momentum. Donating her $5 to a classmate’s crowdfunding campaign or helping her cousin paint her new office creates the energy and momentum the entrepreneur needs. There are other methods as well:
Social media
A very easy way to support is to “follow” or “like” the business page. Building a follower can be key to building credibility in your business and initiating fundraising, partnerships, purchases, etc. Many people are turning to social media as a means of evaluation . Please support us by clicking that button and consider sharing content from time to time.
Entrepreneurs need a wide variety of contacts to start and sustain their businesses. You may have the perfect connection you need to move your business forward. This could be a potential mentor, angel investor, potential customer, influencer, press, or a connection directly related to a need specific to your business (such as a high-rate warehouse or graphic design artist) . Every business is different. Ask founders what kind of connections they need. A single intro email has the potential to change the spread of your business.
Skip the latte for a few days and buy a friend’s product. If you are not the target audience for the product, buy it and give it to a friend. There is no better way to show your support than by validating a product or service that someone you know is offering through a purchase. It’s a great way to show that you are Purchases naturally help fund your business, provide concrete statistics to show market needs, and do other things like increase your visibility through the algorithms of the platform you’re selling on. We support.
Post reviews or submit testimonials to entrepreneurs for use on their website. For physical products, you can take pictures or take pictures of your product in use for promotional purposes. Helpful.
Inform others about the services or products offered. Be part of launching your business to the world by creating a ripple effect of support.
business shower
Hold a “business shower” to help generate business ideas for your friends/relatives/colleagues. If you know someone is going to start a business, throw a party or have a happy hour where you invite friends over to bring gifts to get the business going. This could be office supplies, pre-orders for something they sell, or anything else that might support their business.
time + skill
Giving a business owner a few hours of support is a great way to show your support. This could mean providing specific skill sets based on your expertise, or providing general help. This is a great way to personalize your support through direct interaction.
Your support is important. The actions you take help businesses and business owners in tangible ways. It will also be exciting for you to see the business take off and how your support gives entrepreneurs the courage, fuel and confidence to lead their organizations. If you know someone who started a business or owns a small business, please consider helping. We can also provide support or buy products from global entrepreneurs, especially in developing countries where resources and role models are scarce.
Mogul founder Tiffany Pham added: By empowering business owners, communities thrive, innovation thrives, and the world is a better place. Various global entrepreneurs are working on problems that, if solved, can have a positive impact on other world problems. ”
Entrepreneurs find holes in the system and come up with solutions. They see opportunities that others may not see. They aim and shoot at the moon, but sometimes they shoot at the stars. they make a fuss. they take risks. They push beyond limits. They do things others might not want to do. They are curious and imaginative. They believe anything is possible. They are contributing to something bigger than themselves. They drive innovation and move the world forward. they research they create they learn. they grow up They create jobs and boost economic growth. They create products and services that improve people’s lives. They need you and you need them too. Your support is important.
Other articles in this series:
Article 1: The Dynamics of Sex and Power – Women in Business
Article 2: Feminine and masculine workforce dynamics
Article 3: Women in business are breaking old systemic constraints
Article 4: An Unpleasant Truth and a $3 Trillion Lost Opportunity: Female Entrepreneurship
Thank you for taking the time to learn and participate in making a positive change.
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