Not surprisingly, Tamil Nadu women are becoming indicators of empowerment for sisters across the country. Forward-looking government policies, gender-sensitive corporate hiring, gradual but steady shifts in social attitudes – all of this is preventing women in Southern states from staking their place in the sun. We are gathering to help.
the numbers say it all
According to the 2012 census, 73.4% of women are literate, and Tamil Nadu, the third largest state after Kerala and Maharashtra, has the highest number of women-owned establishments in India. We have reached 1 million. Establishment of Tamil Nadu State Startup and Innovation Mission (Tansim), an agency to promote the startup ecosystem in the state, and Tanseed to support startups with seed grants of up to INR 100,000 by the state government. It was a big boost to realize the dream of the women of the state. This year, Tamil Nadu has moved up six places in the national ranking of the state’s startup ecosystem released by the Center’s Department of Facilitating Industry and Domestic Trade. Tamil Nadu ranks her 11th among ‘Leader’ states in the 2021 rankings. Just two years ago, the state was in the bottom category of “emerging ecosystems” in the same ranking.
The state is also taking the issue of girls’ education seriously, with girls’ high school enrollment increasing exponentially. Better education has led to better career opportunities for women, according to media reports – today the state has the highest number of direct female employees in manufacturing, especially in the textile and footwear industries. The Chennai plant was the first in the tire industry to have an all-female crew operating the extruders, and Kirloskar Brothers’ Coimbatore plant has been fully managed by women since 2011. It’s also part of the political spotlight. Eleven of her 20 mayors in major cities in Tamil Nadu elected this year are women, and young women are actively participating in the political arena in the region.
Entrepreneurship Boosts Empowerment
However, in a country like India, it is not easy for women to break the stereotypes and become entrepreneurs. Economic hardships, social taboos, and family resistance, coupled with her never-ending household chores, can dampen a woman’s aspirations. By encroaching on territory previously considered male reserves, Tamil Nadu women have paved the way for the rest of the country. No field is where the women of the state struggle to make their dreams come true. Entrepreneurship comes with empowerment. Recent research shows that women entrepreneurs in southern Tamil Nadu, to varying degrees, have reached empowerment through their ventures in self-started businesses.
the helping hand is far away
Five prominent female entrepreneurs, past winners of the Britannia Marie Gold My Startup Contest, tell a similar story. Their journey is all about grit, perseverance and determination. Her five women from a small town in Tamil Nadu – J Kalavathi, Narmatha Vasanthan, R Sumathi, Yazhinidevi D and Madhu Nachammai – are all self-made entrepreneurs. One is the only female entrepreneur in the village, and the other has set up the first optometry clinic in her hometown. Two of them are diving into her EdTech and computer education, which has so far been the realm of male entrepreneurs. Dedicated to researching the healing benefits of discreet bananas, we have developed our own skin care products.
Britannia Marie Gold My Startup Contest is a commendable initiative launched in 2019 where each season’s top 10 business ideas by female entrepreneurs win INR 10 lakh each to help start their business. I was. Season 1 had 1 million entries, and Seasons 2 and 3 were even more successful. To date, over 40,000 women have been trained through upskilling programs, 30 women have received seed funding to start their own businesses, and 18 successful initiatives have been created.
Connect, Support, Share
This year, Britannia Marie Gold empowered women to pursue their dreams by giving them the right resources to help them start businesses with the help of technology. This helps her balance family and business while celebrating her story. These five women of hers have laid a solid foundation for their startup and are now aiming higher. You need to expand your product lines, invest in equipment that makes your business more productive, and procure technology that makes your business more profitable. What they need now is a boost to their dreams. With a simple gesture, we can be a part of their inspiring journey!Brittania Her MarigoldBuy her pack of biscuits, scan her QR code, It’s as easy as learning their stories.
Tamil Nadu women have already shown that they have what it takes to make a name for themselves in this world. The time has come for us to be the catalyst that drives their dreams!
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