HBO’s marketing team continued to release teasers for the show the following year. This includes another image shared in partnership with Playstation for the Summer Game Fest event and the first trailer for The Last of Us Day 2022, which has been viewed over 57 million organic times. got a view. The first of his 72 hours (the most watched promo in the network’s history, according to HBO).
“We used to call it breadcrumb content,” Giannussa said, referring to the term as “slowly giving fans little bits and pieces of breadcrumbs to stay true to the source material, yet deliver the best of HBO.” It is defined as “to show that we maintain quality.”
She added: We’ve been really fortunate to start the year by mapping content and experiences to specific audiences and talking to them to make sure this piece lands. ”
For example, when initially planning the “The Last of Us” campaign, Giannisa used explanatory posts, letters of approval from the game’s creators, and side-by-side images of the show and the game to prove its fidelity. I expected it to be published. But those elements were discontinued when we saw the fandom rally around content and bring new fans into the community.
“We just let the fans do their thing and watch them in action. We don’t have to create all the game-to-screen content because the fans are doing it for us,” Giannusa said. says. “Let’s keep our content areas alive with things like [“HBO’s The Last of Us”] A podcast where you talk to them and get them to talk about the episodes that followed. ”
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