microbiology quiz
ChatGPT passed the college-level microbiology quiz.
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Science journalist and Big Think executive editor Alex Berezow tested ChatGPT with a 10-question microbiology quiz he devised.
Berezou, who also holds a doctorate in microbiology, noted that the questions are suitable for final exams for university-level students. ChatGPT “blown away,” he writes Berezow.
As an example, Berezou asked:
“A patient in the emergency room complains of severe headache and neck stiffness. The doctor orders a spinal tap to obtain cerebrospinal fluid. What is your diagnosis?”
ChatGPT successfully responded to:
Based on the information you provided, Gram staining of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows the presence of Gram-negative diplococci, bacteria that are typically oval and occur in pairs. Consistent with the diagnosis of meningitis.
In another example he asked:
“What language is the point of Koch’s postulate?”
ChatGPT said:
Establish a causal relationship between microorganisms and disease.
Taking out the word “and”, Berezow said that ChatGPT “nailed down”.
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