Of course, the challenge is to apply scientific standardization to something that may not be scientific at all. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable, and people interpret what they see based on factors such as current events and the scientific, political, and cultural context. “The data you get is socially constructed,” says Kate Dorsh, a historian at the University of Pennsylvania who specializes in generating scientific knowledge.
Courtesy of Enigma Labs
UFO sightings began as an American obsession following World War II and the Roswell Incident of 1947. At this time, people in New Mexico discovered mysterious debris that may or may not have come from a crashed military balloon. The sightings spread rapidly to most parts of the world, and interest in Roswell and the early U.S. and Soviet space programs may have prompted people to think of sky lights as alien technology, Dorsh said. There is a nature. But after the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite in 1957, UFO sightings became fewer, she continues. And the geopolitics of where you live is also important. Today, she says, when today’s Germans witness a strange phenomenon, they often attribute it to Russian- and American-made crafts. she says.
Government agencies have always been interested in UFO reports for national security reasons, as flying saucer sightings may actually be sightings of rival clandestine aircraft. (Or, if the ship was in fact a secret project of the country’s own, the description of the sighting could reveal what it looked like to others.)
Agencies within the US government have shown renewed interest in UAPs over the past few years. The Pentagon released his June 2021 report, evaluating his 144 incidents witnessed by military pilots dating back to 2004, but investigators could only fully explain that he There was only one. Last May, the House of Representatives held hearings on his UAP, where government and defense officials spoke about the report and the national security and flight safety issues it raises. Last year, the Department of Defense also established a new organization, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Agency, to coordinate efforts to “detect, identify, and locate objects of interest” near military areas. They have already received reports of UFOs.
And in October, NASA launched a joint venture to find out how data from government and commercial groups can be used to shed light on the UAP, and what NASA can do to analyze sighting data in the future. published a nine-month independent study of (A NASA spokesperson declined an interview, but said NASA will release an update on the research this spring.)
Enigma Labs isn’t the only private UFO-related effort. A company called To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, co-founded by Blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge, employs scientists and former government officials to bring UFO research (also known as ufology) to the mainstream. I am bringing it in.
Dorsh said that no matter who collects the data, these groups should engage with users in a transparent and honest manner, not misuse the data for financial gain, or make people feel disrespectful. says he wants it. “I think the overwhelming majority of people who have seen a UFO have had an experience they can’t explain,” she says. “The UFO community deserves to be taken seriously.”
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