Application deadline: July 21, 2023
fate foundation In partnership with Google.org, Business Resilience Program (BRP) for Women Entrepreneurs The program is funded under Google.org’s “SSA Women Entrepreneurship Programme” and is part of a continental program running in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa to promote women’s nano- and micro-business. It aims to improve your digital and financial capabilities. Entrepreneur from 18 to she is 55.
This program provides the basic financial literacy and business management knowledge required for beneficiaries. digital literacy skills; growth assistance (including business registration, networking and community building); Microgrant loans to underserved women-led businesses in Nigeria.
The curriculum covers teaching Nigerian women entrepreneurs to:
- Financial management
- Formulation of business plan
- digital marketing
- access to funds
- business network
- trust building
Target beneficiary
- Female entrepreneurs with nano (less than 3 employees) and micro (4-9 employees) businesses in Nigeria.
- Junior high school graduate or above.
- Comprehension and communication skills in English.
- Internet access and a smart phone device that can use the device.
- Special consideration is given to breadwinners, widows and single women.
- Micro-grant financing for 200 participants
- Free business registration for 200 attendees
- Free access to Foundation’s Business Plan Developer Tool
- certificate of completion
- Opportunity to be featured on FATE Foundation or partner social media pages
Specifically, BRP will support women entrepreneurs doing business at the nano and micro level in two phases:
Phase I:
– Self-paced, fully online 4-week program
– Access to business plan developer tools
Phase II:
– A hybrid program led by experienced financial and digital literacy for entrepreneurial professionals
– Business registration support
– Microgrant support
Eligibility for Phase II is dependent on completion of all modules and Phase I requirements.
For more information:
Visit the official web page of the Fate Foundation Business Resilience Program (BRP).
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