Port Angeles — Deadline to submit a proposal to provide legal services to Olympic Peninsula Small Business BOOST! Although the program is on Wednesday, the deadline for marketing services proposals is January 13th.
The program provides over $400,000 in legal and marketing services contracts to those who want to help small businesses in underserved areas of Clallam, Jefferson, and Grays Harbor counties.
A joint project of the Clalham County Economic Development Council, the Grays Harbor Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Council, and the Jefferson County Economic Development Council, it operates from January through May 31.
Among its components are free legal marketing services for small businesses, start-ups, and non-profits that need help with everything from setting up an LLC to setting up a website.
The EDC partner will win 2-4 contracts totaling approximately $120,000 for legal services and 3-9 contracts totaling approximately $300,000 for marketing services. They identify the companies that receive legal and marketing support and the types of services each provides.
To receive a Legal Services RFP, please contact Olympic Peninsula Small Business BOOST Program Manager Ted Henessy at thennessy@clallam.org. To receive a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Marketing Services, please visit tinyurl.com/bddkd6r3.
For more information on the Olympic Peninsula Small Business BOOST!, please contact the Clallam County EDC at info@clallam.org.
The program is supported by a $1.3 million Small Business Innovation Fund grant from the State Department of Commerce to support small business innovation, recovery, and growth in surrounding rural and underserved communities. It comes from the $34.5 million funding of the American Relief Plans Act (ARPA) dedicated to facilitating. Status.
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