The world of marketing is constantly changing and in order for your business to be successful and stand out from the competition, you must step up your game and utilize the right marketing strategies. Entrepreneurs who want to stay at the top of their respective industries must make marketing a priority, just like any other important aspect of their company. Today, marketing has moved from traditional methods to digital marketing and digital marketing agencies are growing. These agencies allow you to trust them with your company’s marketing, ensuring that your company’s brand gets the attention it deserves.
Lukas Schirmer is an e-commerce marketing expert and founder of the marketing agency Twist & Schirm. The 26-year-old has unparalleled skills and has helped many companies scale by providing exceptional marketing capabilities. He has a degree in Theoretical Mathematics and has topped his percentile in his class at one of Germany’s most prestigious universities. Lucas was also awarded two scholarships during his studies. One from the Foundation of German Business and his other from Think Digital. Only a few can get these scholarship opportunities. This proves Lucas’ brilliance and great talent.
Lucas discovered his passion for marketing when he joined Instagram in 2012 and later founded his own agency. Twist & Schirm is fully committed to his marketing of e-commerce performance. They help their clients increase their sales by placing thousands of ads on their online shops. We can only work with our clients on ,” says Lukas.
Twist & Schirm is one of the top agencies for e-commerce companies advertising in the German-speaking market. The company manages an eight-figure advertising budget annually, with more than eight-figure revenue for its e-commerce clients. An industry leader, Twist & Schirm has a team of internal and external media and his buyers who combine decades of experience with cumulative nine-figure budget experience. They also run online courses and are committed to teaching others about advertising for e-commerce businesses.
Lucas is not only an entrepreneur, he is also a natural philanthropist. During his nine years he worked voluntarily for the church community, caring for community children, community he organized festivals and children’s camps, voluntarily coached football and worked with refugees. I’ve been
Twist & Schirm didn’t rise to the top without facing challenges. Digital As his marketing interest grew and barriers to entry into the industry fell, the entrepreneur attempted to run his own agency. Unfortunately, this has had a negative impact on the industry as a whole and clients often have an aversion to agencies. and have worked with hundreds of clients. In addition, a special experience in the European e-commerce market.
According to Lukas, the world of marketing is changing faster than any other industry. Therefore, he advises other entrepreneurs in the industry to be aware of the market environment, how it is changing and what the market wants. To stand out, he advises them to carefully study the dynamics of both supply and demand, and reassess what products they offer and what the market actually wants on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, he says that having the right team with a high level of expertise and giving them the freedom and responsibility helps them provide the best possible service to their clients.
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