The building of a brand, ‘branding’, consists of raising awareness, positioning and strengthening the brand, and creating connections with customers and consumers. This work requires a long-term investment thanks to his image campaigns, especially when it comes to building a presence on the web and social networks.
Performance marketing is about using data and analytical tools to measure and improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Its purpose is to effectively direct levers and ad creation to generate forms that brands can measure thanks to a monitoring dashboard. Very often they target generations or conversions and are limited to short-term marketing actions.
Brand strategy and marketing performance levers are often separate. In difficult economic times, the pressure on the shoulders of marketing decision makers can lead them to ignore brand investments and focus on performance and his marketing efforts.
However, brand strength in terms of name recognition and image clearly contributes to the performance of tactical marketing efforts. They are two equally important aspects and should be combined to improve performance.
Focusing solely on short-term metrics can hurt your brand
The increasing use of digital in marketing makes performance management increasingly reliable, fast and detailed. Whether it’s measuring the quality of your site’s audience, monitoring engagement on social networks, evolving your site’s referrals, or measuring attributes of various sales levers, the management tools are there. Placing them is (almost) sufficient. This management is now also possible offline. Measure the contribution of different media to store visits, or measure the impact of TV and radio on online conversions (using solutions like Realytics)…
Of course, it is imperative that marketing decision makers leverage the potential of these measurement solutions. Among other things, this makes it possible to carry out short-term mediations regarding campaigns: changing the media mix, changing the creative his copy, changing the customer his journey, personalization or merchandising parameters, etc.
However, we need to take a step back for short-term steering metrics.
For example, lowering prices or using promotional offers can generate more leads and conversions, but if these measures are used too strongly and often, they can tarnish your company’s image. There is a possibility. AB testing to conclude that using more eye-catching visuals and more direct messages are more effective at increasing clicks to increase conversions can be derived from However, is this in line with the brand’s communication charter?, and will it help build brand positioning and loyalty?…
In the short term, it can also lead to false metrics. By focusing on metrics that can be monitored in near-real time (clicks, conversions, and possibly customer acquisition), you can lead her to ignore her actual ROI based on the actual value of the customers she acquires. This depends on customer loyalty and the quality of their relationship with your brand and should be measured over time. Building and positioning your brand also means choosing the right customers for your company.
Finally, by focusing investment on tactical measures to deliver short-term performance under the influence of specific circumstances (economic crisis, new competition, etc.), we are freed from measures whose effects can be felt in the long term. there is a risk of being This is a case of investing in a brand’s reputation, its image, but also the quality of its customer relationships, or its ‘natural’ presence in search engines.
Brands are decisive in customer choice
Looking at the customer journey, we can also see that the majority of conversions are performed on brand awareness and image, the top action in the funnel. why ?
Because when your brand is strong, its image is positive, and it aligns with your product and target, you benefit from a clear edge over your competitors.
The stronger the brand, the less susceptible it is to price competition. Recognized brands can compensate for the price difference by voluntarily perceiving a more premium image and better quality and reliability.
The trust a customer can have in a brand plays a decisive role when it comes to clicking to book, book or order.
Quality of brand representation (professional, empathetic, etc.)
to the brand’s spontaneous notoriety (he would prefer a brand he knows)
in the image of a brand, both in terms of quality and relevance to its value (with equal notoriety)
In this way, the effect of brand awareness is reflected in conversion rates.
Search engines are an important economic issue. The fact that a brand is spontaneously searched for on Google is directly related to that brand’s market share. However, in order to be found on Google, your brand must first be known to the public and benefit from a certain notoriety.
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