To address these issues, Kalyan Kumar and Vaibhav Gupta launched KlugKlug, a global decision-making B2B technology SaaS platform for influencer marketing in India and global markets. Kumar is an IIT graduate and has an extensive background in marketing having previously held leadership roles. Gupta has run various marketing campaigns in multiple of his MNCs and is a graduate of IMS Ghaziabad.
According to a statement, the platform will use profile insights of more than 252 million influencers, and a data platform powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate social media content for Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more. We provide comprehensive and authoritative global influencer intelligence, exploration and information. Technology that guarantees 85% accuracy. KlugKlug can handle your influencer marketing needs in over 230 countries.
When discussing data retention, marketers could only focus on overall measurable numbers like followers and engagement, but the importance of accuracy and a deep understanding of audience data now matters. It is
KlugKlug provides ‘true’ instant searchability to influencers with relevant audiences, potentially increasing influencer marketing efficiency by up to 80%.
KlugKlug co-founder and CEO Kalyan Kumar said in a statement: -Based technology and data-driven insights. Intelligence that can be culled from vast oceans of data for accuracy, not data. By leveraging our comprehensive analytics and intelligence platform, marketers can become key influencers You can identify, measure their impact, and optimize your campaigns for maximum return. “
KlugKlug’s roadmap is to develop AI-based tools to improve the influencer marketing experience and provide data-driven insights for brands and marketers. Additionally, the platform seeks to connect influencers and brands by providing a comprehensive platform for managing campaigns, monitoring performance and evaluating data. Ultimately, KlugKlug plans to expand its services into new markets and social media platforms to meet the growing interest in influencer marketing.
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