Chuck D is synonymous with Public Enemy’s song “Fight the Power,” first heard in 1989 on Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing.”
More than 30 years later, and 50 years after it was believed that hip-hop was born at a Bronx house party, Chuck D is still prophetic. But this time, we take his message even deeper.
As developers and executive producers of Fight the Power: How Hip-Hop Changed the World, Chuck D (born Carlton Ridenhour) and his producing partner Rory Bourra have assembled a notable line-up of hip-hop artists. and commented on the evolution of hip-hop. Genres of music and their historical significance.
The four-episode series will premiere on PBS on Tuesday (9pm ET/PT), as well as on the PBS app and PBS.org.
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From Killer Mike, Eminem, and Fat Joe to KRS-One, Mony Love, and Grandmaster Mele Mel, the documentary series explores the social impact and impact of hip-hop, including civil rights, police brutality, graffiti art, turf wars, and protests. Dig into its ongoing role. It reflects the state of the world.
Chuck D has also released fine art books, from Bob Dylan sketches to visual depictions of the countless hotel rooms and airports he frequented. “Livin’ Loud: ARTitation” A collection of 250 artworks will be released on his February 7th.
But first, Chuck D and Boula delved into the significance of the PBS series.
Q: This year is hip-hop’s 50th anniversary. Is that milestone the reason you’re making this series now?
Chuck D: I am 12 years older than hip-hop and have been deeply involved in hip-hop my whole life. I always wanted to be the caretaker of it. I grew up as an art child. I knew who my peers were.When hip-hop came along, I saw it as the voice of a later era.
What did you learn in the process of exploring the history of hip-hop?
Chuck D: Grandmaster Kaz, Mony Love, Eminem, and others sound like academics because I’ve never been asked about the depth and detail of hip-hop before. I’ve learned that if you value questions and focus on quality over quantity, everyone will come up with answers that exceed expectations.
Bula: I hope (the series) is a gateway drug.If you don’t know about this history, do some digging. It’s rich and diverse music and genres, and it’s very misunderstood for gatekeepers who follow the lowest common denominator.
Public Enemy had a huge impact. Are there any current artists who you think could have the same impact?
Chuck D: No. The closest thing to Public Enemy was the collective voices of “Fight the Power: Remix 2020” (Nas, Questlove, Black Thought, etc.). Public Enemy was a group moving forward, not a single person. Public Enemy was a movement that reflected community.

In the final episode of the series, Monie Love talks about how music born out of pain is now made for profit. Do you think hip-hop has become too corporatized?
Bula: Hip-hop was born out of oppression, but I didn’t want to indulge in its negative side. It’s about showing the importance of hip-hop. Whether people don’t understand hip-hop’s message or are just discovering new artists, it’s pushing the culture forward.
Chuck D.: In the 1990s, record companies thought they could all be reduced to one MC (rather than a group). If you look at hip-hop around the 1990s, it’s individualized rather than collective.
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Chuck, you say in the artbook that Public Enemy groupmate Flavor Flav’s job is to walk into a room and “suck the stardom out of it.” How is your relationship with him these days?
Chuck D: You can be the icing on the cake, you can be the spectacle, but you need the rest to be spectacular. Work on the spectacular now. But it’s always good (among us). We are calling each other apart. I believe in work ethic and waited for him to make a solo album.He must have had 10 by now. Will he be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for his talent and not record? Come on man!
The book highlights the rapper saying how he feels while many other black artists simply fight for fame. I can see that you are very enthusiastic. Are you disappointed that he seems to be getting more attention than the message?
Chuck D: I don’t think Kanye is different than Salvador Dali. I will keep it to your art and go no further. I’m not in the business of making black people or black art look bad. Celebrity is America’s drug. They try to tell you it’s a drag on the world, but if you go anywhere else they’ll tell you you’re an entertainer and don’t have a political voice. says play a song and say nothing to the audience. And the number one job of entertainers is to obey the law. I learned that if I hadn’t been with Public Enemy, I would have been Britney Griner a long time ago. And no one came to get the black man.
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