Online Media Distributor, Big Top Entertainment LLC – BTO ENT Entering the comic space,Decasi the Lost World”. The animated story follows the lives of four Decacian brothers who are banished after their parents risk their lives to transport them to an unknown planet inhabited by this world’s rejecters. In fact, to create the right sound for the theme song, 90s rap legend Keith Murray was brought in to tell the story of Decasi the best way he knows how: lyrical storytelling. I was helped. The poem begins with Keith’s lyrical storytelling his style.
“The story is about three brothers and one sister who were sent as embryos from the planet Decasi by their parents.”.
These types of rhyme schemes are perfect for the edginess of BTOPENT comics. It also allows the listener to fall in love with the story. Underneath the thumping beat that gives that head nod and screw face. “I loved her late ’80s comics,” said creator Curtis Johnson. Additionally, to establish the aesthetic look, designers Jay Johnson and Daryl Wright helped create a uniqueness for the character’s design. Accompanying the comic is an animated video showing Keith’s character commanding the ship with the crew of the Decasi in tow.
whole, Decasi of the Lost World It will be released by BTOPENT and its distribution partner Sony Music Entertainment The Orchard. Additionally, the comic book is only available on their site. Be sure to check it out here at KAZI Magazine! Finally, let us know what you think!
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