Mehdi DENNOUNE, also known as Bymden, is one of Morocco’s young dreamers who saw the business world opportunities presented by the Internet in a different way. Mehdi started at the bottom, lived with his grandparents and went on to college (Moroccan Public University in Casablanca, Morocco) where he studied Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences (AMSS). Born into a humble family, he was intrigued by his online business world and was quickly seduced by his entrepreneurial spirit, becoming relentlessly ambitious to meet the challenges ahead.
“You started with $0, right?” the interviewer asks, “behind four zeros.” Bymden answers firmly.
Source: Mr Bouich Youtube Channel
At the age of 15, Bymden discovered the potential of the internet when he started commercializing one of the most famous games of the time, DOFUS-published “Kamas”. After earning some spare change, he found himself curious and ready to rock, and left college with the sole intention of succeeding in the world of business.
Lacking know-how, Bymden initially struggled enough to remain competitive and profitable in the world of online business. I also ran into quite a few problems with low random access memory (RAM) on laptops, weak internet connections, and a tight budget. Such as covering necessary expenses… Amazingly, this did not stop him from making his first million dollars. Having gained a background, I was able to use the same platform to teach others how to increase sales for all shop owners through our educational series. In addition, having simultaneously commercialized digital products, gift cards on various platforms, he is a successful blogger, educating about digital products, and memorable live shows that have earned thousands of dollars with an exponentially growing audience. shared a video. Some of his early followers called him the king of digital products.
Bymden admits it was a risky path, as entrepreneurship requires time, money and determination. Therefore, he argues for the importance of education and skill-sharpening as the primary key to any business model’s success. Nonetheless, he was ready to take risks, which put him under positive pressure, and he has a large profitable investment portfolio in real estate, AIRBNB, cryptocurrencies, etc., and his most important web on social media. Could become one of his famous people.
Not only has Bymden been an inspiration to Moroccan youth, but he has also been hugely engaged with his growing audience on both YouTube and Instagram, sharing all aspects of his experience, offering solutions, I was able to discuss the importance of entrepreneurship with educational institutions. Content that helps others grow.
Invited to dozens of podcasts, hundreds of YouTube videos, and over 6,000 search results by simply entering his nickname, he is now the celebrity people people turn to to discuss business opportunities. His national football giveaway when his team reached the quarterfinals. Advice when his DM blew up with similar questions. Keep in mind that he will be announcing huge projects and solutions for online entrepreneurs to his Instagram community soon.
Mehdi uses his stories on social media platforms, especially Instagram, to share his self-made millionaire’s daily habits and entrepreneurial tips. He emphasizes the importance of communication, sales topics, the importance of focus, business strategy and the idea of passive income.
“For $1000 and a phone call”,He”I was able to reach $1 million in 6 months now”.
Source: Mr Bouich Youtube Channel
He appears to be financially free, has traveled to the far corners of the world, driven a Ferrari 488 Spider, and has his life organized, but is keen to meet his new needs and his challenges. Watching it go big: He aspires to be the number one web.Influencer in the Maghreb region and influencing others in the same way he wanted to help and adds value to Moroccan educational content on online business, sales growth, alternative investments and the personality traits entrepreneurs need to achieve. own goals.
media contact
company name: beimden
contact person: Media contact point
Email: I send an email
Country: America
Website: https://www.instagram.com/bymden/
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