Ritos Entertainment’s debut work ash fall is years away, but the studio is making early hype through TikTok and NFT. As part of the first marketing blitz, Liithos partnered with his TikTok star Michael Le and his Slider Jesus to produce his five-episode miniseries hosted on Le’s TikTok account.
Lu plays the game’s protagonist, Ash Naranjo, to save his brother Jonathan. Slider Jesus, on the other hand, uses his costume and makeup expertise to play the villain. The series debuts on his Sunday, January 29th, with new episodes streaming weekly.
One week after each episode is released, Liithos will also release NFTs inspired by the episode and featuring artwork from established comic book artists such as Coran Stone and Fico Ossio. These NFTs are ash fall Comic serialization is scheduled to start in March.
Days Gone Director Jon Garvin, who is also Liithos’ VP of Creative, is writing the series.he works with his companion Days Gone Alumnus Michael Mumbauer, who founded and leads Liithos.
Ahead of the marketing blitz, Garvin told ComicBookMovie.com the plans were ash fall Become a transmedia IP. “I’m trying to create a ‘next generation’ experience. It’s more than ever-improving technology that increases resolution, frame rate, and fidelity,” he said. “For me (as original) Also for transmedia – Reach a wide range of gamers, readers and viewers by creating worlds rich enough to create comics, TV, movies, multiplayer online games, AAA open world games, motion comics, digital collections and more. increase. “
This is a novel approach. ash fall Ultimately, we will benefit from these efforts involving TikTok, NFTs, and other developing media.
The game itself takes place in a post-apocalyptic open world set in the Pacific Northwest. Players take on the role of a cybernetically enhanced Ash as he explores the remnants of his past, fighting mutants and rival factions to free his people from oppressive rule.
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