Studies of wolves in the wild have yielded many results that reveal the importance of cooperation among wolves within a pack. These wolves often die due to the danger of being absent from the pack, but some of them become very successful and become alphas of their own pack. .
Researchers at the Yellowstone Wolf Project hypothesize that such high-risk, high-reward behavior may be caused by a parasitic infection in the brain. Since such behavior seems to go against the best interests of the lone wolf from a survival standpoint, it is possible that brain parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii cause such abnormalities, but this is still at this stage. It’s just a theory.
With all that said, I’m getting out of the way for now, but it’s important to note that there are other entities besides the wolf community that act in a similar fashion. We’re not even talking about lone-wolf terrorists. Rather, the maverick mindset of going against things, innovating and blazing new trails seems to resemble the mindset of a startup founder, CEO, or entrepreneur.
The main effect of infection from this parasite is to increase risk-seeking behavior. More specifically, individuals infected with Toxoplasma gondii have a stronger appetite for risk than those who do not. This is due to the fact that it can help you take the risks necessary to succeed.
Does this mean there’s a parasite roaming the brains of every CEO and successful entrepreneur? The answer might be yes, but not for the reasons you think. It turns out that about 80% of all humans may be infected with this parasite.
The source of this parasite is cat feces. Warm-blooded animals can become infected when they come into contact with feline bacteria. All things considered, rats infected with this parasite are more likely to explore unpredictable territories, which could heighten the human desire to venture into the unknown. Naturally, it has a nature.
Another thing to remember is that this is not a one-to-one relationship. You won’t become an entrepreneur overnight just because you’ve been infected with this brain parasite, so don’t go out looking for cat poop if you’re not happy with your current career trajectory.
There are likely many other factors at play here, and it is a combination of individual personality and other aspects of brain chemistry that lead to entrepreneurial success. It’s also possible that Toxoplasma he Gondi won’t affect his CEO or startup founder’s credibility at all. The findings may just be a coincidence!
H/T: Business Insider
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