Agency Cultivation LLC, also known as “Appointment Setter”, is a company focused on teaching you how to set appointments and helping you get certified. They reach out to business owners in our network looking for certified setters who sell big ticket items from $5,000 to him $50,000. Coaches are too busy and need your help to make more sales.You will receive a 5-10% commission on every appointment you set.
Suppose the business owner’s product is $10,000 and you help him by selling 10 units at a 10% commission just by setting an appointment. This gives you a monthly income of 10 x $10,000/ 10 = $10,000. That’s what AppointmentSetter.com can accomplish in his 60 days.
Daniek Zomer was born on October 24, 1996. I mean, she’s still very young. She has achieved a lot and achieved a lot since her youth. She pursued both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, believing she needed a degree to make her money. When she graduated in September 2018, she realized she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life working from 9 to 5. So she declined her lucrative job offer, left his city apartment and returned to her parents’ home.
Daniek Zomer started Amazon FBA and dropshipping in his room with no results for 12 months. She then went bankrupt and had to sell all of his possessions to pay for the course and mentorship.She also got a simple job as a telemarketer cold her call, earning an hourly wage. Earned $12. She got her first client in May 2019 and finally got her first business social media marketing her agency to $10,000 a month and scaled from there. .
Daniek Zomer met Bastiaan Slot in September 2019 and started dating in October of that year. They partnered him in March 2020 and consistently from coaching him for the majority of 2020 he achieved $20k to he $30k a month. Since then, she has earned over $500,000 monthly and has coached over 2000 of her coaches around the world.
She started telemarketing in December 2018 and retired in June 2019. Overall she enjoyed her job and noticed how much her listening, communication and sales skills improved. “It’s funny how working in telemarketing for seven months gave her a better foundation of how to make money than four years of college education,” she says. Her father had a heart attack in January of 2019. Only Danique and her sister were home with him. Luckily he survived, but she remembers realizing that she might lose him and that he would never see what she was trying to achieve. made double the effort. She believes that time is precious to take care of others.
“If I could go back to 2019, setting appointments would literally be the first thing I tell myself. You can learn useful and high-paying skills. I have seen many newbies who try to make money online quickly quit simply because they lack different skills and mindsets. Working as a business remains simple because you can focus on one skill and work closely within a successful business, says Danique Sommer.
media contact
company name: Surrogate Cultivation Limited Liability Company
contact person: Danielek Sommer
Email: I send an email
Country: Netherlands
Website: https://appointmentsetter.com/
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