Increased transparency for app removal
Activist investors have asked Apple to provide details about the App Store removal, and the company has agreed, but only for certain disclosures.
Nearly a third of Apple shareholders, led by US investor Azzad Asset Management and UK activist investment platform Tulipshare, support a resolution calling for greater transparency in Apple’s relationships with foreign governments .
According to Thursday’s report, Apple has agreed to tighten its annual disclosures. Especially after China banned certain Bible and Quran study tools in 2021, investors wanted more details on the app’s removal.
“This information will help determine whether Apple’s decision stifles information and free speech,” said Constance Ricketts, Tulipshare’s head of shareholder activism.
Apple removed thousands of apps from the App Store in 2020, reportedly at the request of Chinese authorities. One purge included gaming apps, but Apple also removed his VPN app from his App Store in China in 2017.
According to its latest transparency report, the company received 56 takedown notices covering a total of 239 apps for legal violations and 17 takedown requests covering 39 apps for platform policy violations. Most of it was from China.
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