shark tank india season 2 After seeing a personalized wheelchair company named Neomotion on Wednesday and hearing their pitches, Anupam Mital said he might be awarded the Bharat Ratna if he could make the product at a lower price. The entrepreneurs came asking for 100 crore for 1% of the company.
The entrepreneur and the shark discussed the cost of manufacturing the product. Mittal stresses that India is popular for its ‘thrifty engineering’ and that if a product he can manufacture for 25,000 rupees, entrepreneurs ‘not only get business, but also Bharat he Ratna’. Did. He also said this business is for ‘desh ka kalyan’.
Anupam Mittal eventually made an offer and Namita Tapah joined his offer but eventually walked out. Peyush Bansal also made an offer, but the entrepreneurs were very adamant about sticking to their valuation. Anupam felt they were “interested in money”. The entrepreneurs stuck to their vision, turning down every offer they received and not even presenting a counter-offer. Peyush finally offered the deal they were looking for and it was locked.
Shark Tank India also looked at an ice cream company called Licksters. Amit Jain was going out of business here, so the entrepreneur persuaded him to come back. Paysh Bansal said he would have made the deal if there was no conflict of interest. In response, Amit said:Fir baithe hi kyu ho? Uth hi jaya karo jab aate hain popsicle companies. (Then why are you sitting here? If the Popsicle Company walks in, go away.)”
Shark Tank India will air on Sony TV and stream on Sony LIV.
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