Ask college students what they think their purpose is and you’ll probably get a blank stare. there is. why is that? Because finding purpose in life is hard. From the moment we are born with a certain destiny, we go through a series of steps to achieve a certain goal, such as school, work, relationships, or making money. It doesn’t help you find your purpose.
Your life purpose is made up of your central motivational purpose in life – the reason you wake up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, provide a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people purpose is related to a profession or meaningful and satisfying work. For others it’s about how we can impact the lives of others. Steve Jobs once said of purpose, “We are here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why are we here?”
So do we pursue a particular set of goals that help us find purpose in life, or do we wander through life hoping that purpose will be revealed? We need to start with what we can do. That means choosing to use your time wisely to do the things that matter to you. You have to discover what you feel is important. So how do you do it?
Here are some questions that may help you on your journey to discover your purpose in life.
What are you willing to accept or sacrifice? I hope that as you progress through life and your career, you will discover what you want to do with your time. And once you’ve made that decision, you have to commit to that activity, regardless of your career. You have to “allow” to let go of all the people you are with. I don’t think it’s the job. Getting to that point will require some sacrifice on your part.
What “thing” made you happy, but you don’t do it anymore. Something about the social pressures of childhood, the professional pressures of young adulthood and careers squeeze creativity and passion out of us. writing, cooking, or just walking around? What happened to that creative you? why did i stop making you happy How could they justify their lack of talent as painters, writers, and cooks? They say you should be passionate about what you do in life. But for most people, passion also comes with a sense of fun. Do what you used to love just to enjoy it.
What do you like so much that you lose track of time? When it comes to work and careers, it’s been said that work and time don’t feel like they fly by when you love what you do. Notice the activity that has been happening all night. Also, pay attention to the cognitive principles behind the activities that keep you engaged. Because it can easily be applied elsewhere. We’ve all had the experience of being so engrossed in something that the minutes turned into hours and the fact that we didn’t eat for hours. You should revisit and see what other activities you can enjoy.
How can you be embarrassed in a positive way?? Embrace embarrassment? Feeling stupid is part of the journey to achieving something important, meaningful. The more you fear making big life decisions, the more likely you are to make them. Actor and musician Ethan Hawke gave his amazing TEDx talk on creativity. There he tells us that the way we grow and learn in life is by taking chances and perhaps “playing idiots.” You cannot grow in life without taking measured risks. So what.
How do we “dent” the universe? We cannot solve the world’s problems alone. But you can contribute and make a difference. And the feeling that you’re making a difference is ultimately what matters most to your own well-being and fulfillment. But to live a happy and healthy life, we need to hold onto values that are greater than our own pleasure and satisfaction. If you want to make a difference in the world and help people, pick a problem and get started. There are many options. What are the bigger issues you care about and how can you make a difference?
What will people say about you at your funeral? It sounds silly to think of this, but other than flashy clichés and great speeches, what do you really want people to say about you at your funeral in relation to your purpose? Ultimately, death is the only thing that gives us perspective on the value of our lives. Only by imagining yourself not existing can you understand the most important things about your existence. It forces us to focus on the things that actually matter in our lives and the things that are merely frivolous and distracting. .
Discovering your “purpose” in life is basically finding a thing or two that is bigger than you. It’s what you want to do with a set of values that set your priorities and guide your actions. Perhaps that way you can find purpose and leave a tiny little dent in the universe.
*The author of this article has built a 25-year career in branding, marketing, and entrepreneurship, co-founded a $1.2 billion-grown startup with over 10,000 employees, raised an amazing family, and happened to be a writer. and eventually found purpose in life through teaching. College students at public universities are looking to change their lives, perhaps to dent the universe.
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