In a short period of time, Telugu OTT platform AHA has produced some very good shows in Telugu. But things are taking it to the next level now, as they’re starting a whole new show just for women.Business Her foray into reality shows has helped her embark on an entrepreneurial journey and become financially independent. It is a quest to satisfy a woman’s desire to be.
Digital Streaming Platform Offers “Nenu Super Woman” Reinvigorating Female Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Aha’s ‘Nenu Super Woman’ provides a platform and opportunity for female entrepreneurs with interesting business ideas, business prototypes or active businesses to be evaluated by business investors aka The Angels.
These ANGELS will mentor, invest and provide vision to these budding entrepreneurs in a show set to take the state of Telugu by storm. Rohit Chennamaneni (Co-Founder, Darwinbox), Swathi Reddy Gunupati (Founder, Mudhra Ventures), Sridhar Gadhi (Founder and Executive Chairman, Quantela Inc), Renuka Bodla (Venture Partner, Silverneedle Ventures), Sudhakar Reddy (Founder) and the CEO of Abhi Bus) will be mentors on the show.
This is the ultimate test of patience. The 40 selected candidates, commonly known as “superwomen”, meet “ANGELS”, also known as “ANGELS”. Investors understand, evaluate, and make offers based on the final “pitch” of the candidate. The concept of the show was co-created by Group M, aha is working with WeHub in search of female entrepreneurs across Telugu.
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