Telugu OTT platform aha, which has carved out a niche in the non-fiction arena of regional streaming spaces, is embarking on another new endeavor this year. Their next big release is Nenu Super Woman. This is a Shark Tank style entrepreneur show aiming to reinvent women entrepreneurs in Telugu and beyond. A glimpse of the show calling for entries started today.
A glimpse into Nenu Super Woman introduces viewers to Rohit Chennamaneni, the show’s panelist, mentor, investor and co-founder of the acclaimed human resources management software Darwinbox. “For me, business is problem-solving. A business will only succeed if it provides a scalable solution to the problem,” the entrepreneur begins by advising aspiring entrepreneurs.
Rohit recalls how he founded Darwinbox seven years ago, fighting global competition from the likes of Oracle and SAP to gain market share in his own way. “In our country, women always come up with good solutions to any problem, and I believe in their entrepreneurial spirit and problem-solving abilities. , I will join aha’s Nenu Super Woman.”
Asking for a pitch in their attempt to make India a “women entrepreneurship powerhouse,” aha shared the eligibility criteria for women to participate in the show. The show is intended for women over the age of 18, who must be Indian citizens and residents. Their company must be registered in her Andhra Pradesh/Telangana and a woman with a minimum share of 51% in the company.
Applicants must be full-time entrepreneurs, companies can belong to any sector and stage, and must be profitable. (Applications can be completed here and full details of the eligibility criteria can be found on the website) Panelists and investors participating in the show will be introduced in the coming weeks. A start date for the show has not yet been announced.
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