If practiced, meditation has the potential to change your life. Even a short workout of just 10 minutes a day can have business benefits beyond lower heart rate, lower cortisol levels and better rest. Effects are not uniform among practitioners, and each person collects different results. “Meditation is a quest,” explains Jeff Warren, an experienced meditation instructor. “We have to learn for ourselves exactly how it changes our outlook and the way we operate.”
7 Surprising Benefits for Meditative Entrepreneurs
Jeff Warren is an author, meditation instructor, and co-author of Meditation for Fudgety Skeptics. He wrote and recorded his daily trips on the meditation app Calm and has created many meditations and courses for Ten Percent Happier. His work makes meditation and practice accessible to a diverse audience, including U.S. Army cadets, police officers, Google executives, his easily distracted teenagers, and “every free-thinking demographic imaginable.” I’m trying
I interviewed Warren and found some surprising benefits for entrepreneurs who make meditation part of their routine.
Increased creativity
Creativity means discussion, flipcharts, drawing, freewriting, right? Creativity doesn’t just come out of busyness and hustle and bustle. It also emerges from stillness. “When the mind is quieted and falls out of its normal thought patterns, it becomes available for amazing new connections,” said Warren. I do the same thing and get the same result. Sit back, sit still, reroute your thinking and see what happens.
“From the depths of it, strange ideas spring up, offering new relevance and possibilities,” he added. “Being quiet is definitely one of his creativity best practices.” Being active all day keeps the brain in thought-action mode, chatting with words and actions. But the stillness that meditation brings can help you put this aside and open up possibilities for breakthroughs, discoveries, and new ideas.
Trust that your heart has the answers you need.
more time
You may think you don’t have time to meditate. Warren suggests that they don’t have time to do otherwise. “Most people think of meditation as an investment of time,” he said. “It takes time and takes away from others, but the counterintuitive thing about meditation is that it actually makes time.” It may sound too good to be true.
“By taking a little time out doing nothing, you open up the space for more things to happen,” said Warren, who saw it firsthand. It turns out to be less urgent, so you can finally make room in your schedule. Say goodbye to busy idiots and hello to clearer priorities that mean you can let go of the unimportant things without guilt.
Meditation is an investment of time and it will bring more time in return, so spend it with more intention.
lighter sense of self
People who meditate may be mistaken for being fierce, antisocial, or dull. Warren laughed. “But it can also be the other way around. There’s no doubt that the piquancy comes out. Meditation can make things pop existentially. The randomness of things and the particular configuration you’re in.” You start to notice the strangeness of.” By meditating, you realize that you can downplay absolutely everything. This is a strange realization.
“Everything can take on this silly or humorous quality when you stop taking your circumstances for granted,” Warren added. It’s wonderful to appreciate the strange twists and turns of life without doing or wanting to.” The entrepreneurial rollercoaster brings strange twists and turns to everyday life, but recognizing the patterns of life itself , you can enjoy the ride while looking at the funny side. What are the alternatives?
Take your meditation practice seriously, take yourself less seriously and operate in a lighter way.
7 Surprising Benefits for Meditative Entrepreneurs
clearer priorities
“Meditation improves the signal-to-noise ratio in our minds,” Warren said. “The more I sit, the quieter things get and the more I see what’s important.” Similar to the impact meditation has on creativity, “this moral way of articulating your values can help you find your values.” This often leads to feelings of compassion and caring.”
It’s not the money or possessions that matter, but the impact on others, including friends, family, and customers. But with traffic noise, news and notifications, it’s easy to forget about it. By sitting and meditating, you can block out some of the media and commentary and gain more clarity. According to Warren, our new sense of priorities not only “brings more to the work we do,” but also knowing what to focus on. important in our work. “
Distinguish meaning from the noise without being overwhelmed by the hype, apply purpose to your daily actions and move your business forward without being overwhelmed.
more love and purpose
Various forms of meditation help practitioners access more love. But Warren said it wasn’t “squishy love,” but “a desire to contribute to something meaningful.” I get a better sense of why I live and work.
Warren believes that when we try to find meaning in the actions we take, “the feeling that we are doing a worthwhile job or wanting to spend our time on a more fulfilling job is boosted by mediation.” He also believes that meditation helps us access “strategies for finding our way there.”
Do what you love, love what you do, and use meditation as a tool to find out exactly what it is.
Good at negotiating and communicating
Negotiating without understanding the other person is unlikely to be successful, but “meditation helps you see the other person as they are and actually hear what they’re saying,” Warren says. I was. “Because we can understand more clearly what someone stands for, we can not only understand them better, but also communicate more effectively.”
Meditate to get to know yourself and others better. Meditate to become more aware of the subtleties of body language and tone that reveal someone’s true intentions and desires. We meditate to cultivate empathy, connect with others on a deeper level, and reach win-win situations. “It can make us better listeners and communicators, and it can help us realize what’s getting in the way of connecting with someone,” Warren said.
I’m good at putting my ego aside and seeing the world through the eyes of others to find the best way for everyone involved.
Dissolve in a puddle of cosmic oneness
“Yes, the cliché is true,” said Warren. “Meditation makes me feel more connected to everything else, like trees and animals. The feeling of being part of something bigger than myself.” and sometimes strange.”
But is there a better place for entrepreneurs to live? The purpose of building a business is to move the world forward and leave a legacy for your team, your clients, and the planet’s future inhabitants. Meditation can help you in line with your mission. “Business is a vehicle for many actions and projects to occur. I can see more connections and possibilities of
Understand what you are here to do and how it can benefit all connections and new business opportunities in the universe.
Meditation can increase creativity, free up time, and clarify priorities, but it’s far more than a productivity hack for entrepreneurs looking to squeeze more out of each day. , can create more complete people who recognize the absurdity of life and business, are more in tune with their work, and are able to connect with everyone they cross. Making the effort to commit to regular practices will be well worth it when it leads to a way of life and a more successful business endeavor.
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